Cades Cove (Deer)


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We saw more bucks than last year, but none bigger than an eight pointer.

This doe and her fawn were in the thicket one of the bears disappeared into. They came flying out of there!


Nice six pointer in a bachelor group with an eight and smaller buck.


The eight.




I walked up to about 15-20 feet from this guy.



Notice the tick.



Same buck, different day. There were probably 25 people standing within' 15 feet of him taking pictures.


He brought a smaller buck with him.


This was the biggest buck we saw - rack wise. He stayed way out in the field.



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Cades Cove is a state park(i think?) in the Gatlinburg, TN/Pigeon Forge area(well about 20ish miles from). You drive like a 3 mile loop looking. You can stop anywhere and look at wildlife. It is very very scenic.

The deer just lay up in the pastures. You can walk well within 30 yards of most. Also a good chance of seeing bear. When we go to Gatlinburg, we'll get up one morning early and go look, and also spend an evening there.

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what is cades cove?

Cades Cove is an 11 mile scenic loop road in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park located on the border of Tennessee and North Carolina in the Appalachian Mountains. There are a lot of historic buildings from the 1800s, mainly cabins, smokehouses, barns, churches, and mills. You can drive through it, ride a bike, or walk. There are trails that begin in the cove and campgrounds, as well. Many animals can be seen in the cove, including deer, black bear, turkeys, coyote, bobcats, and domestic horses. Since it is in a National Park, there is no hunting and the animals are not afraid of people.

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i live about 45 min. away from cades cove and i attened school in Gatlinburg....Cades Cove is a wonderful place to go..

we usually bike around the 11 mile loop and of cousre stop to take pics...It is a great place for the family and you can also go tubing and swimming not far up the road from Cades Coves...Like I said its a wonderful place for the Outdoorsman on an off season vacation with the family...

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