Mishap at the doctor's office


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Well gang, I couldn't even make this one up, another chapter to add to my life story! :) Took my oldest to Emily to the doctor's for her 3 year check-up. No biggy right, no shots, just a routine check-up. She was actually excited about this.

Wife answered their questionaire in the lobby pertaining to Emily's well being and how smart she is at answering questions and looking at objects at her age and after she was done, she told Emily she could play with the toys they have there in the waiting room for the kids. Myself, I am reading a Sports Illustrated just ready to read Rielly's column.

Then it happened, Emily tripped on a toy and landed on her right arm hard. I have watched her tumble a bunch in her life but this one hurt and you could tell by her crying and when seeing the arm you could see it was broke. The doctor came out immediately along with his staff and he put it in a temporary split and told us to head to the ER to have x-ways. X-rays revealed its broke in two spots.

After 2 1/2 hours, the ER sent us home with a splint on it and the arm in a sling and in 2 days they will re-set it and put on a cast. They want the swelling to go down some. I feel so bad for her. She was actually looking forward to this appointment and likes going the doctor and today she seen about 10 of them!! Funny thing is she is not letting it get her down at all.

Kids are durable and with a little tylenol and codiene she is out like a light and sleeping right now. She's a little trooper.

thanks for listening gang.................


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Oh no!!!!! That 's awful. Poor thing. I hope she isn't hurting.:( I know that had to break your heart. But you're right, kids bounce right back. And to think it happened right there in the doctor's office......lol.:rolleyes:

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Thanks Gang. When I left for work this morning I checked up on her, (well I did that all night long) but the last I looked in on her she was actually laying on her side on the arm that is broken. Man kids are tough!

The wife calls the doctor today at 9AM to see when they want to set it in a cast. Hoping for today but could be tomorrow.

After she gets the cast on she still has to go back to the other doctor for her wellness check but I think we'll stay away from the toy area! :) LOL!!

thanks for the kind words and I'll keep you all updated on her progress!

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She's going in today at 3:15 to have it set in place by the doctor. They have to put her under to reset it due to her age and that worries me but she's a brave little girl and she'll do great!

Hope she just doesn't use the cast on her sister's head! :)

Thanks again for all the kind words, I'll pass them on to her!

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