anyone hunt orchards?


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I just received permission to hunt a new area and this particular spot has a small apple orchard in it. The land owner has the deer patterned fairly well from what he sees on a day to day basis, but my question is, is there any certain way to hunt one or do they spread out everywhere once they reach the apple trees. Ive never hunted an area like this before, but I sure cant wait to try! I will be on the ground in a ground blind too if that effects anything.

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I would say it depends on the trees themselves. You will want to hunt the trees that have apples on the ground. There are different types of apple trees. There are the ones that drop all of their apples at once, the ones that drop a couple at a time, and the ones that dont drop any until late in the season. When you see that the tree has apples on the ground hunt it and be ready to see some action because the deer know when they are dropping. It makes for a good spot all season, early season, pre-rut, rut and post rut. Best of luck to you this season. I hope this helped!

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I have a small orchard on my land that I have been hunting the last 20 or so years from a wood shack ground blind, with a bow and rifle.

Many deer have met the grill from that stand.

#1 attention to the wind. No matter how hungry they are if it ain't right they won't come.

#2 apple cover scent helps.

The deer even know the noise that the apples make when they hit the ground. They have that sense also when it comes to acorns dropping.

#3 Be ready for ANYTHING. Other animals know also that is a food source so they will frequent it too, as will predators looking for a prey to put its guard down.

A apple orchard is a happening place to hunt.

Play the wind my friend and you'll be finding a bubbly bloody arrow ;)

Good Luck and hunt safe!

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the neighbor'sl and we hunted last year has a wild apple orchard on it. Andy hunted in it with his climber and I'd say almost every evening and sometimes morning he saw deer...alot of does and the one time he saw the monster with a drop tine sneak through. He saw lots of squirrels also. Find a good tree to put a stand in. He usually had deer come through in the early evening.

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