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I posted this in the classifieds but I'm going to post it here also. The clip that hooks to my bow string that the peep sight tubing slips onto (not the actual peep sight, but the little clip piece) broke! I don't know how, just found it that way. If anyone has a spare tubing clip lying around, please let me know! I don't know when I'll have time to get to a bow shop to see if they have a spare. Until then, I can't shoot my bow.

I have the silicone tubing which is nice and tough but thick and hard to tie on and I prefer to have the clip to put on the string then attach my tubing to it. Thanks!

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Is it the anchor pad that is attached to the limb ??

If so you can get that item from

I personally would go with the tubless peep,,, the G5 meta peep is a great peep site..;) NO MORE TUBING TO BREAK ..;)

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Ruth have a picture of the piece that is broke? I'm having a hard time understanding what piece you're talking about exactly. Depending on what piece I may have one or may not. I just got done sorting all of our hunting gear and giving it a new place to be stored in the house, so found a lot of things I didn't know I

If you go with VermontHunter's suggestion of the tubeless peep and want a G5 Meta Peep let me know. I have a 1/4" one that I bought for my bow and never put on. You can have it. The package is open because I took it out to look at it, then when I went to the pro-shop everytime I forgot to take it with me to have it put on and now will be getting a Predators View Peep installed next year instead when I get a custom string made by the guy that helped invent the Predators View Peep. Will never use it and not looking to get my money back on it. Would rather see someone put it to good use.

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The part she is talking about looks like a cotter pin, it spits around the cable and then the tubing slides on to it.

Oh I believe they call those cable clips or cable keys if I remember correctly. Keystone Country store sells them online for like $2.25 + $4.95 shipping if you get desperate and still can't make it to the bow shop and nobody sends you one. I wish I had a spare, but my spare is on my bow ATM because I got tired of tying the tubing back to the cable for the last time.

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