Preferred Rifle Shell?


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I know we all have a favourite shell, however, I am looking to try something other than the Remington CoreLokt shells for whitetails this year and thought this may give me, and some other people, a hand.

So far my favourite shell for my Remington 7600 .30-06 with open sights has been the 180 Grain CoreLokts.

Anyone else?

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If the Core-Lokts give you good groups, why change?? I reload 99% of all the rifle rounds I shoot. But I've had some experience with the Core-Lokts in .270, .308 and 30-06. They are good shooting shells and should put the smackdown on any deer-sized critter, but quick. Actually, the 30-06 Core-Lokts I used were 180 grainers in a 760 Remmy pump. I was mounting a scope & sighting it in for a guy. It was printing 1 1/2" groups at 150 yards frome a prone bench. Pretty darned good for $12 or $14 Wal-Mart Core-Lokts. ;)

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Well, to be honest, the "if it aint broke dont fix it mentality" kind of comes in here for me on this topic. I had once considered the hornady customs, but just dont see a need. My model 700 in .270 really likes the 150 grain core lokts. Have tried 130 grain power point plus rounds, ballistic tips, and several others and the 150 grain core lokts seem to shoot best out of that barrel. They are effective for killing these whitetails too.

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I like Nosler Partitions

I have never had a 30 cal rifle that wouldn't print tight groups with a 180 grain Nosler Partition. Its a well constructed bullet with a ballistic coefficient over .400. That means even though its heavier than a 165gr, its wind resistance (sort of) will give it a flatter trajectory down range. Its deadly on large game. Shot a bull elk with one last year. Yardage to recovery........0.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest leaddogext

I Used 150gr Nosler Partitons In My 280, Loved Them Very Effiecient& Reliable. Over 12yrs I've Used Everything With Minimal Differences In Groups(3/8" To 3/4"). I Now Use Rem. 140gr. Acuu-tip Boatails, They Do Waste Meat But I've Never Had An Animal Take A Step. I Don't Care About Meat Because I Shoot 10-15 Deer A Year On Nuisance Permits(bean Fields). P.s. Put Your Front Shoulders In The Smoker For 7hrs, Delicious.

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