plots are up and running.....


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This is my goose/deer plot next to my waterfowl pond. Mainly planted in wheat--with a little oats, rye, triticale, AWP, and turnips. Planted 10 days ago.


This will be a perennial plot. The perennial blend is Hamann Farms Grower Mix--also planted 10 days ago--it also has some of the fall annual mix stated above:


close up:


This is my back plot that follows the contour of my creek. It has 50# of wheat and 25# of the annual mix:


I planted this plot just a week ago and have a little germination--hopefully I'll get some more rain in the next week to get it up and runnin' for bow season. I planted 100# of wheat and 50# of the annual wildlife mix:


Here is a pic of some clover that I planted 4 years ago--Hamann Farms Fall Mix. It pretty much all died last year with our severe drought so I think this is all new growth from seed.



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