Injury or birth defect ?


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It honestly could be either, but if you want my best guess it's an injury. My reasoning behind saying injury over birth defect is notice how the opposite side's antlers are stunted in growth? That normally is a sign of an injury on the opposite side from the stunted antlers. We had a fawn born here with a deformed leg that we watched grow, and know 100% wasn't injury related leg deformity, and he turned out to be a buck and didn't display the one sided antler stunted growth like the injured bucks we see display around here in past years. I would think if it was a birth defect he'd have normal antlers, or overall both antlers would be stunted if he was struggling with the deformity, because the birth defect wouldn't be trying to heal constantly. While an injury would probably stay active in healing for a few years trying to right itself and cause some damage to the antlers growth. But, that's just a guess. I could be wrong, though.

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