Best Shutter Speed Camera's?


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My friend is looking to get a digital camera for everyday use. We were at Wally World browsing their selection and most if not all of the camera's we tried would not take the picture right when we pressed the button. They had like 1,2, and 3 second delays. WHY? When you go to take a picture you want it at that moment not afterwards.

So can anyone point us towards a good digital with some Speed?



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Assuming you are referring to the shutter lag? Startup times from the time the camera is turned on can also be an issue with point and shoots. With on and ready cams, the shutter time from the time the shutter button is pressed to the time the camera actually takes a pic should be relatively quick(under a second) with newer cameras. Older cameras that was a big problem. Guess I would be a bit curious which cameras you tried and whether or not the batteries were fresh fully charged batteries?

The sony cybershot cameras are pretty good with shutter lag, that is why they make good trail cameras. Particularly the p41 and some of the other sony p series cameras have no lag so long as they have fresh batteries, but they dont make the p41's anymore.

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Shutter Lag is correct! I always mix the two up, Thanks! :)

One we tried was a Polaroid, it had high mega pixels up to 8, that was one of the worst.

Canon had one that was relatively fast, but still a delay.

They did have a Sony Cybershot out, batteries were gone on that so we couldn't try it, but I'm going to be checking into the Sony P series you mentioned and see what they offer.

Thanks!! :D

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