Need a prayer for my Dad

Guest Andrea

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Physically he is fine, but my Dad is kinda depressed right now and in time it may affect his health. There's no work coming in right now. The construction business here has taken a complete and utter nose dive. It's unreal. 2 years ago we could hardly keep up with the demand and now it's like the phone NEVER rings. He is taking it really hard. So if you could remember him when you pray I would really really appreciate it. Thank you

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Consider it done, Andrea.

Sorry to hear that about your dad. It's tough to see someone you love going through a difficult time and frustrating to feel as though you don't know how to help. Prayer is an awesome place to start (and continue with, too!).

What are some of his other interests? Maybe you could do some of those things with him or arrange for him to get out and be a part of anything that he enjoys. It's important to keep that joy and sense of purpose going.

Good luck, and prayers said.

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Consider it done, Andrea.

Sorry to hear that about your dad. It's tough to see someone you love going through a difficult time and frustrating to feel as though you don't know how to help. Prayer is an awesome place to start (and continue with, too!).

What are some of his other interests? Maybe you could do some of those things with him or arrange for him to get out and be a part of anything that he enjoys. It's important to keep that joy and sense of purpose going.

Good luck, and prayers said.

Thanks Laura, but if you only knew my'd know it ain't that easy. When he gets down, he's hard to talk to. And he doesn't want to do anything. ( I don't know how my Mom does it!) It's almost as if he's mad at the whole world. :(:(:(

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Guest adrenaline_junky

your dad

sorry to hear bout your dad, sometimes things can be tough. but if he keeps his head up he will get through it. He's in my prayers tonight and good luck to him hope everything works out.

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