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Re: SwitchBack

I shot one tonight. It's a nice bow but I'll be keeping my Outback for the near future. It's pretty much the same bow as far as smoothness and noise. The SB is just faster.

I'm not a speedfreak so that doesn't matter to me. The bow I shot had a bit more vibration in the grip than my Outback but that could have been because it was a setup on the demo just so I could shoot it.

The grip is the same as the Outback. So if you've handled one of them you know what to expect.

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Re: SwitchBack

I stopped in and shot two Switchbacks tonight.

I don't know. They are nice bows, but I did not think they were as smooth as what everyone is raving about. After shooting the first one, I picked up a second one just to see. Neither felt right to me. The bow balanced well and was quiet, but there was a little more jump at the shot than what I've been hearing. I then shot an Outback and I liked the feel of it a little better.

I still don't think they are as sweet shooting as my Diamond Stinger. Now that is one SMOOOOOTH bow.

I shot the new "Diamonds" by Bowtech. I have one word ... SUCK. In my opinion of course.

I guess if I had to pick a bow to replace my Diamond, I'd lean to the Outback. But everyone is different.

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Re: SwitchBack

That's the beauty of individuality.....

Now I've never been much for all of the hype and hoopla that advertising pollutes the mind with.......I've preferred to rely on fist hand experience........so everyone take the info for what it's worth, but I encourage anyone who is interested, to shoot one for yourself....

I also have read alot of feedback about the Switchback......and being an Outback owner, I felt it would take a pretty noticeable improvement for me to switch.......

Let's just go so far as to say I've got one on hold at my pro-shop !!!.............the draw is very similar to the Outback and LX, but a much smoother release and shot.....to me it was noticeable quiter and smoother than my Outback and LX.......and that says a lot. The draw tends to run a little longer than usual, so if you shoot say a 29", you may need a 28 or 28.5".......

And contrary to many reports, it DOES have a good solid back wall......it may be a little (very little) spongy for those competitive shooters, but that is easily remidied by removing the rubber from the stop and replacing it with an aluminum or copper sleeve...

Get out there and shoot one.......if you're like me, you'll be a believer this time around......

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Re: SwitchBack

I shot this bow last night and it's a nice shooting bow. Having not shot any bow including my own since the 2nd week of Nov. I picked this bow off the shelf with a preset sight and with two arrows that looked to long for the draw and shot two groups of 1" at 20 yards. No stabilizer or string silensers and the bow was smooth, no noise of any kind and was dead in my hand.

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