Prayers please


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Please keep my in your prayers...I've gotten really stressed out this week at college. We have our first nursing exam tomorrow...and random skills testing starts Monday (I do my skills test Monday). I didn't realize how stressed I was until the point of physical stress. I started stressing out Monday, but Tuesday I started feeling tired and weak and my head was kind of loopy feeling, and I haven't been that hungry, and basically just thinking about all this nursing stuff andg etting ready. Even tonight I was feeling kind of crappy and I wasn't sure if I was coming down with something or I even thought it had been because I had to go to the chiropractor Friday to get my neck fixed because it had been out of wack. But my neck is better now and tonight. while studying, I realized I felt kinda like this last year during my internship, not this bad. I realized I've really stressed myself out. So I hope to get some sleep and get back to normal. Basically I go from up to down then back up and feeling wise. My head feels kind of like I've been without sleep for a few days, that loopy feeling, but I have been sleeping...not great. So yourp rayers would be appreciated:cool: And any good tips on de-stressing and feeling normal again would help also. Thanks friends

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And any good tips on de-stressing and feeling normal again would help also.


First of all, take a big ol' deep breath, hold it a second or two, and slowly breath out the tension. Repeat as necessary!

Remember, you can successfully make it through this nursing program. Take it one step at a time and simply do the best you can do - remembering that "the best" includes taking care of yourself along the way. If you can, take a walk or fit in some form of exercise throughout the week. It provides instant and long-lasting benefits, both physically and mentally! Listen to one of your favorite inspirational/motivational songs on the drive or walk to the campus. And, as you requested others to do, talk with God.

Don't let the mental game convince you that you're unable to do what you have chosen for yourself. A wise Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can or can't, you're right."

I encourage you to think you can, keep it simple and stay well!


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You bet, Ruth. Hang in there also. Taking a look in the Bible we don't have to look long to see how stress can "consume the bones..." (Psalms). Just so happens this morning I was reading I Peter chapter 5. Take a look. The way I understand it where Paul says "Humble..." its refering to surrending our cares and worries to God. Easier said than done, isn't it! Sometimes I get so busy trying to get things done and such that I forget to keep God in front of the line and start heading off on my own strengths, which compared to God's, are severly handicapped. When I find myself in that spot I stop and find even just a few moments of quiet to refocus my energy and attention to God's will. The burdens seem lesser when God's first on my list. Hope that helps...

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