broadhead for ground blind hunting


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I just got a Brickhouse blind for hunting turkeys this spring. For those of you who hunt turkeys with a bow from a blind, do you use the screens or just zip down the windows? If you shoot through the screens, what type of fixed broadhead do you use for turkeys? I've heard you should only use expandables for turkeys, yet the blind says not to use expandables with the window screens. A NAP Spitfire did a nice job on the hen I got this fall but I was not hunting out of a blind. Thanks.

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Re: broadhead for ground blind hunting

I hunt with the screens up! But I yet to get a shot at a Bird so far! I will be useing my good ole 100 Grain Muzzies! Ill prob go to a 4 blade for the turkeys though! But When you have the screens up! You need a cutt on contact blade! So anyway hope this helps!

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Re: broadhead for ground blind hunting


switchback2, is the only difference between the NAP gobbler getter and the spitfire the sharpness of the center point? Other than that they look the same to me.

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Yup...I believe thats the only difference.

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