cage hunting


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I was just watching some hunting on tv when a upland game show came on. There was 6 hunters. Each hunter was behind a line and in front of them was a man in a wooden fenced in circle. He would proced to throw caged phesnat out of cages where they would fly over the hunters. And then where shot with 3" 12guage heavy shot. What do yall think of this?

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Wish they wouldn't air stuff like that. I've never heard of anything like it but in all honesty it doesn't bother me a bit. If we're talking pen raised birds what difference does it make how they are killed? Would I do it? Probably would never think about it but if a bunch of my friends said lets go hunting and one guy brought us to a ranch and said lets cage shoot pheasants I wouldn't sit in the truck and sulk, I'd join in. But on the other hand I wouldn't call it hunting and I certainly wouldn't want to be on a TV show doing it.

I went on a "hunting" trip to a ranch on a corporate meeting once and I shot 35 Ring Necks and 20 or so Chukars. It was an absolute blast, but these were all pen raised birds and acted nothing like the real thing. Essentially it's the same thing you saw on that show minus the guy throwing the birds. Would I do it again? Absolutely! Just as long as somebody else pays the bill.

Every year we have a "first time hunters meet" here in town sponsored by Sierra Club. Everybody brings there kids out for a series of events and one is where they launch a pheasant from a cage and the kids take a crack at it. It's a bit gruesome but the kids love it and I like to watch. I surely wouldn't want that on TV either but I don't disagree with it at all.

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i know this is alitte crazy, but i was invited to do it tommrow morning before our anuel dove hunt. They say its a Eurapene style. Im not sure if ill join. Not becuase i think its wrong but there will be alot of kids that show up. It should be great practice for them. I also agree with there pen raised birds so what does it matter. As for them putting that on tv?? Im not sure on it. I think it fuels the anti-hunters fire.

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Well i went and have to say it wasnt bad as I thought. Are guy would throw the birds from a tower. We all had a kid with us and after they missed or hit we would try for um. I shot 7. We where hunting at a quail phesant reserve and he was stating that 90% of last years phesent want fly while on the ground. So i cant hunt um with custermers. So this way they have to fly and they fly hard. The one that get away hopefully live and stay on the property

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