Something I wrestle with...


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Everyday we run into things that are contrary to who we are regardless of your faith or beliefs, correct? I have to ask, what is your response? Do you suffer it in silence? Do you speak out in compassion? Maybe you speak out in anger? How about if someone of similar faith to your own acts in such a way, publically, that is contrary, what is your reaction then? Accepting the reactions will vary depending upon the circumstances lets take a moment to contemplate how our actions speak of our faith in the eyes of those watching.

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Things that are blanantly against the will of God I feel compelled to voice my beliefs. I do have to tame my tounge at school with students. (I've got to avoid those five little words: "will the defendant please rise:(. "). I've been known to call guys on things that are not pleasing to God. There was a guy in our Sunday school class who left his wife a few years back for anonther woman. He had two little girls and left her when she was 7 months pregnant with a little boy. After he left her he stopped coming to Sunday school and occationally came to church. We talked about it in class and none of the other guys had the b.. "intestinal fortatude" to talk to him. The next time he spoke to me I told him that I was praying for him. He asked why, so I told him what he was doing was wrong and that I was praying that God would make his life so unbearably miserable with that woman that he would see his sin and go back to his wife and kids. He just looked at me like I was crazy.

Every time I've seen him sence he looks like he's just had a plate of bad oisters.:rolleyes:

I may have offended him, but I feel I was right.

I think if we don't say something we might as well be accepting it.

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I'm not afraid to share my faith with others, however the Lord has shown me over the years that some people just aren't ready to hear what you have to say, and you just end up "casting your pearls before swine". Don't want that phrase to offend anyone, but it didn't come from me first. :)

I've learned to wait on the Lord for what I should say, if anything. Sometimes it's not easy, and I'm not perfect myself.

It's tough correcting another Christian at times, because you don't know where they are with their walk with God, and when you do reproach them, you want to be doing it in Love, not in anger.

It's the same way when you share the Gospel with someone. If you don't do it out of love for them, then your fighting a losing battle, and if their heart is not ready to receive it, they do not hear. Many times though, you may share just enough, that later on down the road, when they do start searching for answers, the seed has been planted, and begins to grow. ;)

There are times as a Christian, that you just have to know when to speak, and when to clam up :rolleyes:

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Guest PTtaxidermy

Part of feeling guilty for not speaking up to someone doing something wrong, is that we are taught through church (not God) to divide everything and everybody into holy and unholy. We can take a chimp into concealing and tell him over and over not to swing from trees, scratch his armpits, or eat bananas. But the very next day, guess what that chimp is going to do? Sinners sin, and the last time I checked, we were all borne sinners and sin as much as a chip will do chimp things. I had a very hard time watching others sin until God opened my eyes to the fact that I am no better then "them". So if you hate someone, you have committed murder in your heart, if you look at a women with lust in your heart, you have committed adultery. Now who hasn't done that? As far as what to say to a brother that is blatenly sinning, the spirit will supply the words.

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I am usually one of the first to speak up...........when I should shut up! I know that, it is something that I have been praying about in my own life.

But one of the things that I have learned over the last several years in ministry is that Proverbs is true in saying that a "soft answer turns away wrath". Now, there are times to stand and to blatenly stand for your faith and it is at those times when I do that........but I do find myself walking away a lot more than I used to.

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