Your most memorable hunt?

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Ok my most memorable hunt was back 3 years ago. I was hunting in my spot on my land. The terrain is kinda hilly but has a little valley. I was hunting on the ground and was reading a bit when I started hearing some movement. My thought was "ah, it's probably just a squirrel making some noise" but then to the right of me I looked to see it was a doe. She was about 30 yards in front of me just grazing along and didn't notice me. I just sat there and watched with my hands ready on my bow.

So she slowly moves to the right and starts heading up the trail I came in from starting to circle me. As she was slowly making her way around a tree, I slowly stood up and got ready. She started coming to the right of me on the trail now within 15 to 20 yards in front of me. When she stopped behind a tree, I pulled back and was at full draw ready to let go. She stopped right in front of me, and you couldn't ask for a better placement to release. But just as I was about to let go, my arrow comes off the rest and hits the bow "CLANG!"

She heard it and took off, leaving me ready to throw my bow down the hill lol. Of course the next year I changed bows lol ;). It was an old proline and couldn't really update it much, but to me that was probably my most memorable hunt. It was just amazing I got that close on ground to a deer and almost got her.

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i have a story

one day i think it was around november...2nd and i was hunting on the ground and i had put some sent wicks out about 30 yards from me. well i look to my left and there stood a deer grazing. it had it's head down and i couldn't tell if it was a doe or a buck. so i stood up encase it was a buck (i had already struck out on a doe 1 month before and your only aloud 2 tags a year) so if it was a decent buck i was going to shoot it. well it raised it's head and it was a buck but it was only 1 1/2 years old. so i decided to pass him. well i was still standing cuz i didn't wana sit down and spook him so i just stood there bow in hand and watched him. well this guy was grazing and he walks around a cedar tree and i said to myself ..ah i'll draw and see what he does (no intention of shooting it) well i draw and he stepped bradside to be .....10 yards!! i could have easily stuck him. and then he lowered his head and i let my bow down. well now the buck is just walking around and then he caught a whiff of my sent wicks which are 30 yards the other way! lol so now this deer is headed toward the sent wick and walks RIGHT past me!! after the day was over i steped it off. 4 YARDS!!! and i was on the ground!!

i could have turned around and hit him with a stick he was so close!! lol

that was a really good day for me in the woods.

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My first deer ever was defintly my most memorable deer. It was around Dec 21 2000. I was sitting in my grandpas stand and a doe comes walking towards me. I had already missed once in the year and she bends down to eat i shoot and miss again. Then she runs and stops and turns around again i shoot again and drop here.

Never will forget that

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LOL...i got one of them

Opening day my first time hunting, i was standing about 40 yards from my dad wile my uncle did a push through some tickets infront of us....I keept hearing something behind me, look and didn't see anyting, looked again and had my first deer i had seen wile hunt stand broad side to me with its head down, i lifted my gun and looked through the scope (deer was about 30 yards away) i went to take the safety off when the deer lifted its head and wouldn't u know was a buck....i started to shake, i put the cross hairs where the should be and squeezed the triger and nothing....i did kind of a cartoon spin and hid my self behind a fence post (i was like 5' 9" at the time so it really didn't hide me). i look to see if i put a bullet in, i put the bullet out to see if it was a dud, i checked to see if the trigger had crud jammed behind it....NOTHING. Than i realised in my excitment i had FORGOTTEN to click the safty off, i was kickin my own...well u know...i turned back expecting to see the a nice white tail headding stright away....but to my surprise the buck was now only feet away and still standing broad side i quickly cliked the safety off and shot the buck and dropped him in his trax....fist deer, first shot with the gun (sighted in by my dad and uncle...i was in school) 6pt, when i went and told my dad and uncle (after uncle had finished drive) my dad thought i was just wasting rounds....i said i had shot a deer and wasn't lying...finally after checking on the doe he had shot he agreed to come and look and if there wasn't a deer or blood on the ground i was done hunting for the day....well we walked over and sure enough there was my buck right where i had shot it....I have to say it was kind of funny watching my dad eat crow..................................since that i have taken 8 other bucks some bigger but no matter how big i'll never forget my first day of hunting.

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