bold yote


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Yesterday morning about 9:30, while running the tractor, I had a yote come out of the woods behind me. I was running a tiller and going up hill. The yote came out on a deer trail stood for a second and then began following me, he probably went about 15-20 yards walking before stopping. He got as close at the closest point as about 30 yards. I got just about to the top of the hill and turned heading back down the hill, the yote stood for a few seconds after I turned around before trotting off in no hurry at all. This yote was a mature dog probably about 50 lbs, a pretty good sized yote, and it seemed to have very little if any fear of me on the tractor. Is it common for yotes to not have fear of man running equipment, or was it maybe following as long as I was going away unafraid?

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Thats funny wtnhunt.

There a couple years ago my uncle had one follow him while he was running the tractor for 2 hours one day. It stayed in the high grass but followed him back and forth forever. I had never heard of it until then and never of it happening to anyone else until now. Not sure what would make them do it would think they'd run off. Deffenetly wierd.

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