switching to a recurve?


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Re: switching to a recurve?

i switched to a recurve this year for the first 10 days of the season.. i to wanted to get back to a more simpler type of bow hunting and i loved it.. i didnt get a shot and i had to pass on a doe at 30 yds but it was so much fun..

after the first 10 days of the season then i got my compound out and finally took my doe with it...

swicthing to a recurve is a lot harder.. getting a bow that not only fits you but is in a draw weight you can handle... i got a new Hoyt Game Master in 50 lbs..it took me 2 months to get good enough with it out to 20 yds..

the main thing i did was shoot 3 fingers under the nock. and i used a complete instinctive way of shooting.. not using the arrow as a sight .. the hardest was to get the left and rights out of my shooting.. i did this by slightly canting my bow to the right..

next season i plan on taking my first deer with a recurve....

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Re: switching to a recurve?

Well I started bowhunting with a recurve back in the early 70's. I switched to a compound in the 80's and back to a recurve again in 2002 and back to a compound again this year. I just can't make up my mind eh. confused.gif

Actually I love hunting with my recurve but I have more range with a compound. I group fine out to 25 yards with a recurve but it took a lot of practice to get there. I went back to a compound this year because I had a shot opportunity at a real big 10 point last year that was within my compound range but too far for a recurve shot. I decided I needed to kill some of those real big ones before I switched back to a recurve again. Of course I'll still have fun wacking does with my recurve when the timing is right.

The only problem that I had with a recurve is it's almost impossible to shoot left or right in some styles of climbing stands. I never had a problem with a hang on stand. I use Ol' Man climbers when I'm not in a hang on stand and the bar around the seat section gives me problems with limb clearance when I hunt with a recurve.

There are no gadgets on my recurve and I shoot off the shelf. My bow is 54# at 28" of draw. Plenty for hunting whitetails. The weight of the bow is only about 1# which will spoil you while holding your bow in a tree stand. If you're only taking 20 yard shots anyway, give a recurve a try but start practicing soon and practice a lot before next October. wink.gif

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Re: switching to a recurve?

Practice like crazy this summer. You might be a natural with it though. Only way to find out is to shoot. I am very inconsistant shooting without sights. I want to get a recurve in 06 if my shoulder is up to it. Not to hunt with, but to have fun with in the yard until I get descent with it.

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Re: switching to a recurve?

Good for you guys! You're better men than I am. Everytime I tried to go back, I would either get super discouraged with my shooting ability or I would injure my shoulder by trying to do too much, too quick. I've now gotten to the point where I know that I will do damage to that shoulder if I try again, so I am now resigned to the fact that I will finish out my days with the compound. However, I really envy you guys that have the fortitude to make the switch back. Also, for those of you who are going the extra distance and shooting instinctive.....my hat's off to you. I still believe that that's the way bowhunting was really meant to be.


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Re: switching to a recurve?

The advantage of shooting 3 under is you get the arrow right under your eye..This is particularly helpful if you decide to gap shoot.I tried it and it felt a little too awkward(I really didn't give it enough of a chance)-guess I've been shooting split-fingers for so long it just felt weird.Most-if not all-of the custom bowyers will tiller a bow 3 under if you like.I'm not sure if you can tell the differance between a 3 under tiller or a split-finger tiller when shooting,though.

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Re: switching to a recurve?

I got my first recurve when I was 12 or so, and loved it. Hunted groud hogs, grouse, and even carp. I switched to a compound in my 20's. The only thing that has stayed the same is the fact I can't shoot any other way but instinctive, I've tried sights and just can't use them to my satisfaction.

Give it a try , if want to hunt without all the extras. You may just enjoy it. grin.gif

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Re: switching to a recurve?

i love my compound but i do have a blast shooting my longbow. and when the time is right i will be trying to shoot a deer or pig or soemthign like that with it. it is a 45lb draw so i will not shoot a big pig but a little guy and do some stump shooting. stump shooting will help you in learning how to take a quick shot like your rabbit hunting or the likes. another thing i have done which i guess is okay but i shoot broadheads only and enjoy the idea of not having to shoot fieldpoints and getting used to shooting the same arrows and being ready to hunt with them. if your going to hunt find a good broadhead that sharpens easy. the two i found are the ribtek and the other is the magnus. i like the ribtek a little better due tot he length of the broadhead and i have found with my set up that the 125 grainers shoot excellent and shooting groups that are like my compound is good. another thign is i am going to buy a softer finger glove the one i have is a cheapo and it works but i feel i need a bit smoother release.

your going to have a blast but don't get upset if your not shooting past 10 to 15 yards for a while it take repetative shooting to get the same thing happening. my groups went form erratic to inside a saucer at 15 yards and slightly bigger at 20 after about a month of shooting and then i was able to shoot a tighter group as my confidence increased. enjoy and have fun it's a blast but i don't think i could go without my compound lol

rob k

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Re: switching to a recurve?

I put some serious practice in for 2 summers in a row and took mine out last eyar and past up on a doe/fawn at 18 yards. I love my compound but will really like taking a deer with trad gear.

My plan to is take my 1st deer with the compound (to get my meat in the freezer) then hunt solely with the 'curve after that.

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