I passed!


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What a relief. So last Friday we had our first written exam in nursing..I got a B...I'm happy:D Well I signed up to have my random skills test today at 3pm. That is when you and your partner go in, you draw a certain skill or two and do them in front of an instructor and either get a pass or fail and if you fail, have to redo it end of the week. Blood pressure andh and washing was already mandatory skills. My partner had to do a bed bath and getting a person out of bed to a wheelchair...which was me:rolleyes: When it was my turn, I drew making an unoccu[ied bed and getting out a person out of bed and walking. I have never been so nervous. Well I finished and the instructor told me I did an excellent job and it showed. then on to blood pressure...you had to be within 6 of the instructors...and all I'd heard this afternoon was other students failing the BP. Well I go in with my partner...take her BP and I get it within 2 of the instructors first try! Wohoo I passed my random skills test! Praise the Lord! No more skills testing until the end of October.

It's been a stressful last week or so and I don't know if I've been fighting a bug or not...headaches and my head just kind of fuzzy and feeling pressure...I think I got stressed out. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers though.

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Congradulations on the pass. Believe me we all get those gitters before the major nursing tests.I finished my program a little while ago and believe me it is well worth it. If you need any advice or help just pm me.

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