ground blinds

Guest robane

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Guest robane

i was wondering if anyone has the "dog house" as a ground blind. i recieved one for christmas, opened it up. it popped right open. the problem is i am having a heck of a time folding it back down and trying to make it fit in the back pak it is suppose to fit in. any help would be great. thanks

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Re: ground blinds

good luck i have worked hard at it trying to get one in a bag to carry it in and it took a lot of trying i gave up but my brointher in law got it figured out and it's all in the twisting of the sides that makes it right wish i had more help but good luck someone will know the trick

rob k

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Re: ground blinds

LOL I read your post and remember my year and my outhouse It took about 100 tries before I figured it out and almost knocked my mounts off the wall.

the trick is when you make a U with it take your righthand and take it straight across under your left hand and your left had over your right arm and it will fold right up smile.gif

it takes practice Good luck and once you figure it out I think you will enjoy your new blind smile.gif

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Re: ground blinds

robane, since you are fairly new here I will reprint the e-mail I sent to Ameristep back in August. I am afraid this will not help much, but may give you a little comic relief while you take a break between folding atempts.

Sent: Monday, August 23, 2004 11:05 PM

To: Cindy Hyde

Subject: Re: Doghouse Blind

Thank you Cindy, for replying to my recent e-mail.

Since I already told you in my first e-mail that I hate snakes, I will not go into that again.

I was relieved to learn that your Company manufactures three hunting blinds with attached floors. You mentioned the Hayhouse, the Doghouse TSC, and the Brickhouse blinds.

I drove over to my local outlet this morning and purchased the Doghouse Blind. I was quite surprised that so much could possibly be in such a small box.

In order to familiarize myself long before the deer season opens, and to let the new blind air out from packing, I decided to erect the blind on the back lawn for practice, and I’m sure glad that I did.

I popped open the new blind, and guess what? (No floor.)

I re-checked the e-mail you sent and realized that I had purchased the Doghouse Original, and not the Doghouse TSC. This mistake is entirely my fault for not paying attention closely enough to your e-mail, and I plan to return it as soon as I can get the *&*$#+%# thing folded, which may be Thanksgiving, while the entire family is here to help. The spring-steel framing hoops, sewn inside the fabric, seem to be my major problem.

I fold it to a U shape, then turn right hand counter-clockwise and left hand clockwise and can’t tuck the left under the right while holding the right loop with my left foot. I even tried holding the left side with my teeth while pushing the left towards the right with the bottom under my left arm and the right lower half between the toes of my right foot. **** thing still snapped back and almost killed me.

I found my glasses about fifteen feet up in a nearby tree. My wife is still searching the back yard for my dentures. I hope she finds them soon as it is nearing dinner time.

I may try folding this thing again if I can get my right foot back down, and away from my right ear. I would hate to try this feat in a full body cast, but since I have a habit of not giving up until I have won, that could be a real possibility.

I think that if this blind had a floor in it, I would carry it unfolded in the back of my truck rather than go through this excruciating pain again.

I have discovered that if taken out of the pouch and gently laid on the ground, this blind would make a pretty good trap for anything from raccoons to deer. If they were to eat the apple, carefully placed on the center, it would spring open, and if the initial blast of force did not kill them, or throw them into shock, they would probably be killed, or just die from laughter, watching me attempt to refold it.

I would suggest very large, colorful, and numerous, warning labels on the outside of the carton that the blind is packed in. I am sure I am not the only man that reads the warnings and directions, only when all else fails.

I apologize for using such large type in this letter, but my wife still has not had time to get my eye glasses out of the tree. I also apologize for any misspelled words, which are more than likely caused from my present state of malnutrition. My wife is still chasing the neighbors’ dog that found my dentures and won’t give them back.

Sincerely in need of help. .....popgun

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Re: ground blinds

I haven't had much trouble. Grab it at the 10 and 2 positions and twist it a bit in opposite directions. The blind will fold/bend in the direction it needs to go, you just have to let it do it itself and help it along. LOL It's actually easier to do than write. Hope you get it figured out.

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Re: ground blinds

I have a Doghouse by Ameristep. It is nice, but small. Here is what I want...prepare yourself! grin.gif

I want something like the Eastman Outfitters Carbon Venture OR Ameristep Brickhouse TSC OR Double Bull BS5. Something like a box. I want one in either Hardwoods HD or Max-4 HD, preferably Max-4 HD. EO has one in Hardwoods HD with a Safari System. It looks neat, but I think it would rip easily. Ameristep has the Brickhouse in Max-4 HD. I'll find one sooner or later. grin.gif

I would suggest saving up and getting something bigger. It's a lot easier to move around and draw and whatnot.

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Re: ground blinds

Chrud - CAbela's was selling a Brickhouse that had Max 4 on 2 sides, HD on the other 2, and it zipped open to be real wide.

Check with them.

Or.............. Mack's Prairie Wings has what you r looking 4!

Hutchies - It is the Hunter's View style of the doghouse, called the Wigwam. It was bought new last year, used a couple of times.

55 bucks to your door.

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Guest robane

Re: ground blinds

thanks everyone for all your hints, suggestions and ideas. i actaully was able to do some of it, at least enough for it to be put in my vehicle. then i brought it to gander mountain and and employee did the rest as i watched. lets just hope i remember how it goes next fall.

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