Moultrie game spy 2.1 mp


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I have a moultrie game spy 200, and I was wandering if anyone else has had trouble with it. Everytime I put a new 6volt in it after the first pic it says low battery and locks up until I turn it off and then back on. When I turn it back on the battery shows full and then another pic, low battery again. Please help, I called moultrie and she told me they cant help me because I dont have my reciept anymore.

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Hey i got one and havent had that issue, i know the trigger speed is slow and image quality is...ok...i would take it back to the store and tell them u want an in store credit to change it. If its the bat (which its prob not) it may be the small round bat that keep the time and date up to date when the 6v is down. that may be low...My camera is out in the woods now but i think it is behind the 6v and look like a big watch bat. Hey if u get it working u need to pick up a rechargeable 6v and a charger, i've had the same on in for 4 weeks still reads at 85% much better life......but any ways i would take it to a Moultrie store and say u want an instore credit and just pick up a new one if u can get it to work.

Good luck and let me know what happens

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Guest yoders_hideaway

what kind of battery is it? I tried all kinds of them until a friend of mine who deals in golf carts told me he could get a 6 volt rechargeable from the same place the golf cart batteries come from. No trouble since and they last 6-7 weeks.

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No camera should do that, the battery so long as it is fresh, should not matter what type.

Receipt or not, think I would try to take it back where you got it from and see if they would at least exchange it. Either that or contact moultrie, no doubt they hear from their customers, maybe they will be willing to get it right for you.

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