tree stands...


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ok i bought a tree stand and i went and hung it and i used those hooks that you screw into the tree for a ladder and i hung the stand as high as i could without it getting to wobbly in the wind. so the stand is only about 10-12 foot off the ground.and when i went in to hang the stand i was carrying the stand over there and there were three deer standing 10 yards from the tree. only thing i'm worried about is the hight

think it's alright to have it about 12 foot up????

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well...what is the terrain below the stand? Is is sloped, valley, brushy, field, open wood? I personally would go up another 3-5 feet, but if the tree gets to might want to think about another tree. At 10-12 feet, not that you can't pull it off, but you may be alittle more vulnerable to are going to have to be stealth-like and calculated in your movement.

It might work in the early season if you have a lot of leafy background cover. In the later season, when the leaves drop, you might stick out a bit.

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well it's kinda hard to explain it's all pretty tight. there is a thick trail about 10 yards (if that) out, i have a creek right below me about 50 yards infront of me is a big bean field

(but you cant see it cuz of all the trees)

and i dont think i'm going to be detected from a long ways away cuz there are trees totally all around me. i will be sitting the whole time with bow in hand cuz when it's going to happen it's going to happen fast cuz i wont be able to see the deer untill it's about 30 yards from me.

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I have personally taken many deer from heights of 12 feet or less. Height isnt everything, and when you have to move to come to draw make sure everything is right and move slow and deliberately, not saying you wont get busted but i know alot of people here in MS that wont hunt over 12 to 15 feet

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Guest COACH J.

I stay above 15 feet usually 20-25 but thats just me. I would camo it really well. One thing I like to do is cut down a 10-12 foot cedar and bungie it to my tree on the back side of my stand cuz even cut down a cedar will stay green almost all season and it makes for a great background I do that to all my shorter ladders.

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I stay above 15 feet usually 20-25 but thats just me. I would camo it really well. One thing I like to do is cut down a 10-12 foot cedar and bungie it to my tree on the back side of my stand cuz even cut down a cedar will stay green almost all season and it makes for a great background I do that to all my shorter ladders.

well i dont really wana do that right now cuz i plan on hunting it in a couple days and i know the deer will have to get used to that

good idea though if i hung earlier

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You will be fine.....dont worry about the 12 ft thing.....its high enough, the zip tie limbs under you on your stand is a great idea, and it wont bother anything.....but if you are still, draw slow, with the deers head/eyes out of sight, you will score countless deer in that tree......they are hitting the beans hard in Illinois....I cant wait for opening day.........Im hungry for backstraps.........stay focused, dont educate or "overhunt" the stand.......take only good shots, there are plenty of deer, take your time and kill it the first time.....good luck 12 ft , you will be

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Like said by others, that should be fine. It depends on your tree and cover, but 12 feet is plenty high.

Good luck. ;)

i agree.

back cover is far more important than height. some places i hang stands only 10 feet up, some places there 30 feet. each spot and amount of back cover dictates how high i go. i killed a bunch of deer from one spot where i was only 10 feet off the ground, including 2 nice bucks.

Shoto Strong


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