Guest adrenaline_junky

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Guest adrenaline_junky

Well folks i guess being a volunteer firefighter ain't always as much fun as i thought. Tonight we got dispatched for a fire with entrappment. So me and the other two guys on my team went inside after her. I was team leader and first one in to do the primary search. I have to admit i knew it was hot but didn't think it was this hot. We were in for about a half an hour before we found her under the bed hiding. We took here outside and go medical attention for her. Well when i took off my gear for rehab i realized i had burns on my knees and my left shoulder. Well went to the hospital and sure enough Third degree burns on both knees and shoulder. I also have first degree burns around my ears didn't get a good seal with my mask.

O well i guess it was all worth it we got the little girl out and after a night in the hospital she'll be back to normal. Whats even better is the FD saved the house after i left in the ambulance so everything worked out GREAT. Not trying to brag i just feel good it's awsome to be able to help someone I guess me and my crew saved her life and i just feel good bout it.

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Think of it this way ... that mentality you had to go into that burning house is the exact same mentality those fire fighters had running into the World Trade Center on 9-11. Its that kind of dedication and service that should make you feel proud and should make you want to "brag." I for one have the utmost respect for you and any firefighter the sacrifice you make every time you go on a call is one that I bet very few people are willing to make. It certainly takes a special person to do what you do and what you did.

Thank you for your service and stay safe in all the work you do.


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Way to go saving the little girl. I'm sure her parents are extremely grateful too. Hope your burns heal quickly. That's a tough job. Takes a special person to fill that position.

Here's to you!!!


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Guest adrenaline_junky

Thanks folks, to be honested with you i was absolutely terrified until we found her. Once we found her i was a little calmer. The burns are doing pretty good. Talked to the family this morning and it was a good feeling. I also got a call from the mayor of my town and he wants to have a award ceremony for me. The Headlines on the front page of the paper say HERO. Its a great feeling that i was just doing my job and now everyone see's me as a hero. But to me it was just a job well done!!!

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