Guest adrenaline_junky

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Nice job!! I'm sorry to hear you got burned but you made an awesome save...and should be very proud.

On a side note...it sounds like like you may have an equipment problem. If you got burned on your knees and left shoulder, your bunker gear may be worn out...same with your nomex hood if your ears got burned. Heal up quickly bro...but it may be time to look into a new set of gear. I got a new set a year ago and it made a HUGE difference.

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Think of it this way ... that mentality you had to go into that burning house is the exact same mentality those fire fighters had running into the World Trade Center on 9-11. Its that kind of dedication and service that should make you feel proud and should make you want to "brag." I for one have the utmost respect for you and any firefighter the sacrifice you make every time you go on a call is one that I bet very few people are willing to make. It certainly takes a special person to do what you do and what you did.

Thank you for your service and stay safe in all the work you do.


Ditto that. Congrats on the rescue and my prayers that your burns heal quickly and well!


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Guest adrenaline_junky
Nice job!! I'm sorry to hear you got burned but you made an awesome save...and should be very proud.

On a side note...it sounds like like you may have an equipment problem. If you got burned on your knees and left shoulder, your bunker gear may be worn out...same with your nomex hood if your ears got burned. Heal up quickly bro...but it may be time to look into a new set of gear. I got a new set a year ago and it made a HUGE difference.

I actually just got a new set of gear right before the fire. The chief said it was just that hot. I definitly need a new set of gear now though and a new leather helmet since they wasn't to much left to them.

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  • 5 months later...
Way to go, I would be happy too. To know you saved a little girl from a burning house is something to be pretty proud of. Not to many could say that . Probably why you took up firefighting anyway to save others. Sorry about the burns though. Heal quicklly.

Congratulations on a job well done.

I'm hoping you heal quickly.

What is the name of the town you work in?

I'd like to read the local news write-up, as usually they don't give the firefighters the credit they are properly due.


He lives in Meadville PA and I looked for him in the paper or the fire and could not find it. I grew up in that area and still have family and I asked.

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He lives in Meadville PA and I looked for him in the paper or the fire and could not find it. I grew up in that area and still have family and I asked.

Hold on there Bubba.:mad:

adrenaline_junky made this post about his burns way back in Sept 18-2007.

Now you drag it back up from the deep on Feb 25-2008, and say you haven't heard anything in the papers.:confused:

Er...ah...try reading the papers from way back in Sept 2007 then :rolleyes::rolleyes:

It wouldn't be a bad idea to check the dates in a thread, before commenting.

Welcome to the forums

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I was told about this post. I was then asked by some people of that dept to let everyone know that this was not true. He is using this post to get him sponsored by different companies. We want everyone to have the facts on this person. Not fiction.

You should deal with moderators here through pm's with your issues with this posting.

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I was told about this post by people taht are in the dept. They wanted everyone to know what was really going on. Some one else that grew up in this area was back in town and stopped into the dept and was talking about this. So they wanted everyone to know the facts and the truth.

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