home made scent eliminater


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I got this recipe on here a year or so ago, but I just thought Id repost it just in case somebody hadnt seen it and might like to try it. I have worn this off and on for the last two years. I shot an 8 pointer last year with a bow with this on and he walked in on the same trail I did, and I shot him where I stood for 5 minutes making a mock scrape and putting up scent stations. The only draw back is its a little messier, it tends to leave more white residue on gear, but it just wipes away so it isnt a huge problem.

I got all the items at walmart for around 3 or 4 bucks

1,) 1 gallon of distilled water (64 cents)

2.) 2 pounds of baking soda (I used arm and hammer, 53 cents a box)

3.) 1 bottle of hydrogen peroxide (I used 32 ounce bottle, I believe it was less than a buck)

4.) 1 ounce of scent free soap (I used hunter specialties body wash soap that I already had bought, but an ounce is like 10 cents)

Mix all the ingrediants together and stir. The baking soda will mostly pile at the bottom, but thats normal. Let it sit for a week while it "brews", stirring once or twice a day. After a week, bottle it up and go shoot deer, and save a lot of money in the process! I hope this helps save people some money.

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You actually save more like 40 or 50, because when this is all made up, you get a gallond and a quarter or so. I paid 20 bucks for a half gallon of scent away last year, so times that by two and your at 40, and then you still have like a 4th of a gallon left over. Ive been wearing it this season so far, havent seen any deer but I havent heard one bust me and snort wheeze either.

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It works....

I saw and posted this last year as well, got it out of a field and stream magizine...it does work...opening day morning, I sprayed down with this, and had does down wind of me, and they didn't even know I was in the tree...they just didn't get into a shooting lane for me to seal the deal, but it's all I use...cheaper than buying the commercial stuff, and what's a little residue between friends, when you can save over 50 bucks a year. -- Van

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Are you using this on your clothes, body, or both? Won't the H2O2 fade your camo?

I've used this recipe now for about 4 years and still wear the same camo. I've had no fading at all with the hydrogen peroxide. I have no scientific proof that it works but it sure seems to do as well as the store stuff.

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Guest bowtechhunter


Intresting as a cover scent. However, keep in mind that all 99% of commercial brand scent control sprays use peroxide, but it's not the stuff you buy off your Walgreens counter. The peroxide there is stabilized in very small amounts, in water.

Once you mix this recipe you gave, the peroxide will disinegrate into the mixture, leaving behind only the smell. Does absolutely nothing to help scent control. Your baking soda is the only thing absorbing (not killing) odor.

Between my family, we have experimented with everything on the market. Save your time and your money. If you want the most solid scent control around for a rock bottom price, you need to check out what I use, Scent Gorilla. It's much more advanced and contains NO peroxide. It's a formula that bonds with odor molocules rendering them odorless, keeps killing scent for days, contains activated carbon to dry in and prevent odor, it's ridicolous. Scentgorilla.com, and stop making the moonshine.

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Ive used this for two years and havent been winded yet. As they say, the proofs in the puddin! You use what you want, Ill use this and pay 5 bucks for a gallon and Ill continue putting bucks on the wall!

The other thing is being its so cheap, I tend to spray way more on then I would if I were wearing commercial products. even if it dosnet work as good as commercial (which Im not convinced that it dosent), by spraying on more, your doing nothing but increasing your odds.

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Intresting as a cover scent. However, keep in mind that all 99% of commercial brand scent control sprays use peroxide, but it's not the stuff you buy off your Walgreens counter. The peroxide there is stabilized in very small amounts, in water.

If you think you need the same stuff that the commercial producers use, you can get that at any Pool or Hot-tub store. They carry super concentrate peroide. It's 27% rather that 3%. That is really the only difference. I too have been using this recipe for a few years. I had used HS for years before that. Can't say that I have seen any difference in the two. Works great for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest bowtechhunter

I just try to stay away from peroxide-based products, it's my opinion. Open them, and smell them. It's an intresting smell.

But I can certainly say that there are many recipes to be had, their in alot of online forums, and for years they worked for me. I am just not a big fan of peroxide.

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My dad and me made some last year and seemed to work well. We have also started trying something different this year we take a small spray bottle put half vanilla extract and half water to delute down some. Will leave a vanilla smell but after a few min it is not near as strong. He knew someone who tried it and had 5 deer down wind of him never smelled him and didn't spook them. So we have been tryin it and so far no deer has spooked. Just thought i would let everyone know.

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Guest realtrhunter

Wouldn't just using distilled H2O, baking soda & scent free soap work? Or even without the scent free soap? If the peroxide breaks down and is doing nothing why put it in? Baking soda absorbs oder when it is put in the fridge or freezer in solid form, all you are doing is suspending it in H2O to better disperse it over a larger area.

Anyone know a chemist to ask? What do the companies that make scent killer spray say or make it from????

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I dont know the whys and hows, i just know that Ive used it for two years, shot an 8 pointer last year on the same trail I walked in on, and then sunday night I shot a doe (unfortunetly I didnt recover her) directly downwind of me and had sweated a fair amount on the walk in. Im sure there are other recipes, but this seems to work and its cheap. For a savings of 2 bucks, why leave out the peroxide and soap?

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