SChefferville under "Siege"?!


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ANybody hear what's goin' on up there? Just got off the phone with my buddy who got back today from a Caribou hunt in N.Quebec. He said Schefferville is basically shut down to outfitters/hunters trying to get to camp. he said the Natives are putting on a big uprising, saying that all the outfitters/hunters are changing the migration. My buddy said he was in the last group of hunters that were able to fly from Schefferville to camp last week. He said many hunts are cancelled and the outfitters are trying to scramble to fly some guys to camps from a different town/base(forget the name). But supposedly this town is hundreds of miles east of SChefferville towards Labrador. He said he was out for 9 days at camp and they had many problems with food, supplies, oil and such. THey had to ration. He said they all tagged out, and he was blessed to shoot a RECORD book bull. But was kind of overshaddowed by all the problems they had. He said when they got back on the bus flying back in to Schefferville there were natives and cops all over the place,. His bus even got boarded by several natives looking at meat boxes and racks. He says it's a real ZOo up there!

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GOt more of the story this morning. He said last Tues. the outfitters heard that Wed. 9/12 there were to be protests and such at the main airport in Shcefferville. My buddy's group were the last ones to make it out of the airport to the float plane base to fly to camp. They were told by the outfitter to hunt hard Wed. and to take the first animal they see, that they may have to come in and pick everyone up later Wed. Thankfully, that did not happen. But, no new hunters were coming into Schefferville by turbo prop. They were diverting as many planes as they could to another town hundreds of miles away towards Labrador, to board float planes and then fly into the private float plane base in Schefferville. THere, they had to change planes and then fly out to the camps. Big headaches! This other town/airport evidently is much smaller, so many hunts are being cancelled. They cannot possibly get all the folks out to the camps. The lucky ones are making it.

My buddy said they had no problems getting out of SChefferville at the end of their hunt (on the turbo prop), but getting in is a different story! Everyone is upset..........outfitters are having to spending thousands of dollars trying to get their clients to their camps and losing much more on cancelled hunts. And they can;t get supplies from the airport..........they are basically holed up at the private floatplane base rationing food, feul and supplies! Man, this is bad. BUt they must be keeping things real quiet. It appears there is little information getting back to the hotel at Montreal! Lots of people wondering what 's going on!

Has anybody else heard anything???!!!

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