Snowmobile Trip Pics


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The day after Christas we got our crew together and headed to the Upper Peninsula to do some snowmobiling. When we left home we had about 2" of snow here and by the time we got to our destination (Newberry) we had over 2' to ride in. There were 8 sleds in our group. 7 of them were Arctic Cats and my uncle ruined the group and had to be a rebel by riding the Polaris smirk.gif. Here are some pictures.

In the first picture, im the one standing on my green and black F6 with the green and black suit on right in the front center of the picture.


In the 2nd picture in the 2nd from the left.


And this picture is in the middle of a trail where we ran into a groomer sao we took a break to let him smooth out the trail.


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Re: Snowmobile Trip Pics

I went snowmobiling up around Port Wing/Cornocupia/Bayfield, Wisconsin area.... We had 9 people.... All Ski-doo's, Arctic Cat's and one Yama-dog... There trails were a little rough in some areas but on Saturday night it snowed for most of the evening and the trails got a lot better... but of course there was clear ice under everything.... I am so sore.... my body aches.... We road about 240 miles..... give or take a few miles....

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Re: Snowmobile Trip Pics

We took two trucks and two big trailers... It was a race against time... I couldn't believe how many other snowmobilers were on the highways... We haven't had barely any snow in Minnesota so now we have to go find snow.. It is pretty pathetic... So since I haven't rode in a while my body isn't use to it... They have some great straight-aways up there... you can hold them wide open... Yipeee... My snowmobile only does 95-100mph tops I think... It is only a 500... lol But it works...

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Re: Snowmobile Trip Pics


How would you rate the trails up there?

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Spotty. Stay away from Trout Lake and Tahquamenon falls, the trails are horrible. But the groomers are out there all the time, you just gotta hit the right spots.

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