Team #1 - B.B.D ( Big Buck Down )


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Well guys have been hunting as much as time allows and have seen a ton of does, but not a rack yet. in fact have seen very little in the way of rutting behavior. Deer are acting like it is mid October for some reason. I am still seeing does and last years fawns travelling together and maybe I am wrong, but I though by the first week of November, the yearlings would have been ran off by now?? :confused: I am going out all day on Thursday, and most of the day on Friday. I am working midnights right now (7pm-7am)....

good luck to all and congrats to those who have connected. Don't forget, I have a doe to add...just want to get a none coyote chewed animal to add to the scoreboard if possible. If not...the does gets posted! :D

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great buck NY.....and doe KEN.....also congrates on the magazine article.......saw 4 does and a button buck last night.....the button can right under my stand and started licking my climbing sticks....then walked out the path i came in on...i guess my scent elimination techniques are you guys and gals are doing great im going to have to get moving....i dont wanna be left out of the party.......

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Guest onebucktwobuck

Cybertech hound819 what part of NH, I just bought 178 acres right next to a large land trust, lots of sign and were planning several food plots for next year, give me a hollor!



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here is the pics of that deer

2007deer024.jpg and man have i been blesses this year. started off taking a spike on halloween with my bow (beeing my first buck with a bow) then that saturday i took a 6 pointer with my smokepoll ( beeing my first kill with taht in 6 years) and then to Go into anouther state and take a P&Y woth my bow i dont think it could get anybetter

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