Team #2 - Nocked N Loaded


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i'm checking in

i'm here and ready to get this rolling. just added our first points by getting a doe last sun. if i come up with some team name ideas , i'll let you in on them. good luck everyone

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Guest NorfolkHunter

Checking in.

My archery season starts on October 1st - December 31st. I also have a gun hunt from November 5 - 11. Hopefully I can contribute to the team. I have a few nice bucks on trail camera already.

Congrats Rutnroy on shooting a doe.

I'll try and think of a team name.


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Guest NorfolkHunter

Here are some of the larger bucks that I have in my hunting areas. Still have my two trail cameras out there so hopefully I'll have some more buck pictures on them. Only two shooters so far.

These two need at least another year possibly two.



These two I'll be looking out for. I had a few encounters with the buck entering from the right last year. I also had 3 trail cam pictures of him. He had a bad limp last fall so if hes still injured he'll be easy to indentify. The second buck entering from the left I've never seen before. Looks like he carries some decent mass.



Good luck to all of the team members. Only a week until the season opens.


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I have no other names in mind. But it would be nice to have it be something that covers more then just bow hunting. Nocked and Loaded sounds good to me...

My season starts this Sat and I believe I am ready...

With my impending divorce and trying to sell the house my hunting prep and motivation is somewhat less then normal.

Nevertheless, I am full steam ahead, got vacation scheduled, and deer on the cam.

Go team.

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Guest rutnroy

team name ?

well we got nocked and loaded or headhunters.

we have a few who have voiced lets here from some more

i like nocked and loaded , but just want to get a name going

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Thats good with me too. (N & L)

Been out a ferw time and seeing lots of little ones. Been awful tempting to not shoot a young, tender, great tasting, skipper at 15 to 18 yards about every 30 minuts in my food plot.

I did get a crack and a huge doe the first evening out. I got an arrow threw her but sadly never found her. Once again foiled by pouring rain, fog, and lack of day light. Looked for her for many hours while soaked and followed a good trail for about 100 yards and then it washed away before my eyes. I did widening circles from the last point of blood out to a roughly 300 to 350 yards. The trerrain is pretty rough and I was no longer on my property so I called it when I started to not know where I was anymore. I then had a buddie look again the next morning since I could not go, but to no avail.

It stings loosing one... Second time in 3 years.

Oh well hopefully a bigger one shows...

Good Luck to the rest of Team 2.

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Guest rutnroy

nocked n loaded

i sent a message to buckee to make our team name nocked n loaded. think we had enough to go with this name , hope this is fine with everyone. now that we have a team name lets start getting some points. the weather is finally starting to cool down. i have two weeks of vac. coming up in nov. so hope to have something else to add. good luck team nocked n loaded

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