Team #4 - GottaGetAName


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well this weekend was a bust, hunted hard fir two days, its turned hot again back into the high 90's havent seen hide nor hair of any deer, amazing that ive been putting corn and stuff out for months and the two days ive hunted not one deer came in to eat figure they are eating the acorns that have fallen.but seasons just starting so i'l have to figure something else out.

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Hey everyone.. I'm looking to put some points up for us this weekend.. Season opens up tomorrow so I'll see what I can do. I won't be able to check back until mid day tomorrow so wish me luck!!

Good luck, Joe! I'll check back for your report!

I sat tonight for the first time and only saw our backyard doe with her two fawns. Heard some coyotes howling as I climbed down, but no buck to shoot at just yet.

So, our we "Team No Name"? :rolleyes: Lots of good choices have been thrown out there in previous posts. . . any thoughts?

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Nice doe, Joe! :) I'll bet it felt good to connect for the first time with your new bow.

A nice lone doe came by last evening for me, but it was just after the end of legal shooting. I'll have to keep my eye out for her to come by again. We set up the trail cam back by my stand, and it'll be interesting to see what snoops around under the tree when I'm not there!

Sounds like we're "Team GottaGetAName"! :eek:


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