Team #5 - Band of Hunters


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Steve, I remember one time after working the third shift and going out. It was getting daylight and was walking up the hill to my stand sort of in a hurry. I stopped to take a breather and I just happened to look to my right and one of the biggest bucks I ever saw on that property was within 10 yards looking right at me. He was locked up solid just staring at me. I would have walked right past him. He then disappeared like a ghost. He sort of put it in reverse and was gone. No flagging, no snort. How many deer do you think let you pass like that. I bet it is more than we can count.

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I'm back and catching up again before I head back into the woods tomorrow afternoon.

Nice job buckee. :D

It sure was nice weather for a few days down here. Friday afternoon I had 4 rack bucks put on a show. A 2 year old 7 point must have been confused about the timeing of the rut. He ran a young doe around until he finally chased her out of sight. Two 6 points and an 8 point came in late and one of the 6 points decided he needed to do some sparing with the other 2 bucks. I left the stand at dark to the sound of clackety clack clack clack. :D They were all too young to consider putting a hole in.

Sunday afternoon I flat shot under a nice 8 point. :rolleyes: I shot at him for being at 40 yards and my arrow passed right under him. He never knew what happened and eventually walked off after he had trotted out to about 70 yards wondering what had happened. He had a younger 8 point running buddy that was too small that followed him out a minute or so later. He never reacted at all to me turning an arrow loose toward his buddy. My Bowtech Guardian sure is a quiet bow. Hope I got the misses out of it now. ;)

The hot humid weather moved back in Tuesday so I called it quits and came home at daylight Wednesday morning. A front moves through tonight so cooler weather and northerly winds are in the forecast for tomorrow afternoon and Saturday.

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Way to go! That will give us 16, TG. Ladydiehard has a doe to enter. Have not heard from her lately.

Sounds like you were having some fun Rhino. Miss or not it is just great to be out there. I have a club meeting tonight, but hopefully a shooter buck will delay me a little. I like going to those things with blood on my hands. :D

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Hope you get your hands dirty ruttinbuc. :D You're right...I'm having lots of fun and looking forward to the next 3 1/2 months.

I saw your post about your 6 point in the bowhunting room Ruth. Congrats again. ;) Hope you get what your wishing for during your shotgun season.

Sounds like you're having fun too Tony. Hang in there...things should be heating up in your neck of the woods real soon. I'm heading to your state come Nov. 3rd. Can't wait to get there!

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  turkeygirl said:
How do I put the signature thing in my profile or whatever? It'd awesome by the way!

Well I scored on a 6 pointer last night

1) Save someone elses avatar to your PC (rt click > save as...)

2) In RT, click on User CP (top left area)

3) Edit Signature

4) Click customize

5) Browse for the file you saved in step 1

Congratulations on the 6-pt TG; were you wearing you "lucky bibs"?

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Well, last week is was windy and rainy, this week it improved to windy and warm.:rolleyes: I did some scout hunting and I've got that big buck I saw opening morning patterned now. I setup my car seat stand 10-yds off the trail where he enters the woods. Just have to wait for the right wind.

The area of my Secret Spot plot got plowed under with the corn harvest, so last week I planted some buckwheat and winter rye - they are coming up great. When bucks start cruising they'll have a place to stop for a snack.:)

C'mon Mr. Weatherman, my luck has to improve next week, or else!

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  ruttinbuc said:
Hey gang,I am sorry to say that I will be out of the game for awhile. I went to the doctors and found at that I have a problem with my heart. Say a prayer for me. I'll keep you all informed... RB:)

I certainly will RB. I hope it is not something that's serious. Take care of yourself bud.

Not much to report for me from my Friday afternoon through Saturday evening hunts. Had some 1 1/2 year old does, does with spotted fawns and a few young bucks in range but nothing that I would consider putting a hole in.

I have a friend that's getting married this coming Saturday so I'll miss bowhunting this weekend. Looks like we'll have rain through Thursday so there's not much chance I'll hunt this week at all. I may hunt a couple of days next week before I organize and pack up my stands and gear for Iowa. I'm leaving for Iowa before daylight on Saturday, Nov. 3rd and I'll be in the woods up there starting the 4th. While I'm there I'll stay in the woods all day long. You know the old can happen anytime. I'll be up there at least a week unless I kill a bigun early. If I don't kill one early, I'll hang in there until I'm worn out.

Oh...congrats on hammerin that doe Tony. Atta boy!

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Good news...

on the test results!:D Everything appears to be normal with my heart. Thanks for all the well wishes everyone. Looks like it is going to rain all day. Might be a good day to go and sit in Mark's barn and watch and see if my decoy can draw some attention from a buck looking for some love!:rolleyes: Ya' never know!

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