Team #5 - Band of Hunters


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Still waiting for our rut to kick in. I did see a 3 yr old 8 point last Wednesday afternoon but he needed another year so I passed him up. We're short on meeting our club's doe quota so I wacked another one Saturday morning. Wacked a couple of pigs Friday afternoon too. Can't have those things taking up residence in one of my better buck hunting spots.

It got up to 80 degrees yesterday so deer movement appears to be restricted to evening hours until it cools down. I'll get back after them when cooler weather moves in again this Wednesday. We should start seeing some rutting activity down here soon.

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I'm home!!

But with no more points for our team.

I had a chance to shoot a doe, but that was the first thing I saw Saturday morning, and I'm too picky to shoot the first thing I see lol.

I was gonna shoot a lil spike but never got a clear shot.

Sorry =[[

Anyways, it's late, I'm tired, off to bed.

Talk to ya guys later.

Mandy Jo

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No need to be sorry mandyjoe, Thats hunting. All that matters is that you had a good trip and enjoyed the hunt.:)

My shotgun season was very uneventful. Very slow going to say the least. Been a year of the scrub as I did not see a deer with 3 points on one side. Hardly any shooting at. Going to get back after it with the ML for a couple days.

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Not much going on here either. Have to limit my hunting time in preparation for final exams next week. Hunted Saturday on an edge of a hardwood ridge and a partially cut bean field. Tons of tracks in the field, but didn't see Jack, Jane, or Doe.:( Spent Sunday studying (I use the football games as a source of "distraction" - helps condition myself for the exams.:rolleyes:)

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Hope you enjoyed your trip Mandy Jo.

Heck...I just hope it will cool off around here. Got up to 80 again today. I'll head back to camp tomorrow night. It's supposed to get down to about 60 Wednesday morning. :rolleyes: Then back to the upper 70's that afternoon. I just might have to go bass fishing that afternoon. It's supposed to cool off some Thursday and Friday and then get cold again Saturday through Monday.

I'm just about finished with my Christmas shopping so nothing will hold me back from spending more time in the woods between now and Christmas. I'm fixing to hit the woods hard again since our rut is about to go into full swing. I'll report in as soon as I decide to take a short rest break. That could be toward the end of next week though when I come in to pay some bills and then head back to the woods.

Gotta love it!!! :D

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I've have some more points to add to the team. :D I killed a 5x5, or least he was before he broke one brow tine between my last trail cam pic of him (Dec. 8th) and when I killed him late morning on Dec. 17th. There's only 7/8" left on that broken brow tine so he'll score as a 9 point for the team. He's a 5 1/2 year old buck with a 17 1/2" inside spread but was a little short, overall on tine length. He also had a broken G3 too. A fiesty buck for our neck of the woods. I'm after the one that busted him up now. I think it's a heavy, tall tine 8 point that I got a trail cam pic of too in the same area.

Our rut is starting to heat up so I'll head back to the woods right after Chrismas is over. I'll get pics posted in the entry thread soon. ;)

Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas

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Speaking of shameless self promotion :D:D


I bagged this one Saturday morning while he was hanging with his doe. The rut is winding down here now but this old boy still had enough in him to go for one more doe. He scores better than my 1st buck but as you can see, he's an 8 point and the other one for the team was a 9.

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