Team #10 - Bone Collectors


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Guest okla_bowhunter

This is my first time to compete in a competition on the RT Forums but I'm excited to get the season started, but our season doesn't start for another week and a half, but here is a pic of a big ten that i'm after.


I've got a few pics of some other pretty good deer, but this is the best buck so far. But will post more pics later, when i get them uploaded to my photobucket.

Anybody seeing any good deer yet?

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I am checking in. Great to see the teams are selected. I am waiting another week and a half and will be out in the stand on the 1st of October. As far as a team name, I have not given it much thought. I will post when i think of something. I can't wait till the season starts. I missed most of the season last year, but I have alot of vacation time built up for this year, so I am really looking forward to it. Good luck and the team looks really good. My team won two years ago, so hopefully we can continue.


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Hey guys...

Season started here Sept 15th and I haven't missed a day in the timber yet. Have had tons of little, illegal, bucks all over but no shooters closer than 80 yds. Full draw on a doe Sunday couldn't get a shot. It'll happen though.

Saw my first ever drop tine buck two days ago. Granted, he was about 300 yds off but on huntable property. Have two mid 150s we saw all last winter and several times during the summer. Right now though, I'm in it for the backstrap.

AS for the team name, I have some ideas, but they depend on if you guys are bowhunters or gun hunters????



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Glad I could help with the name...hopefully I can help put us on the board too. I haven't missed a day of hunting since our opener and no luck. I've seen quite a few, had several within 20 yards and they were either illegal bucks (in MO you can only take a buck with atleast 4 points on one side) or something went wrong. Thought I had a big mature doe on the tailgate last night and some guy (who was tresspassing by the way) was squirrel hunting and started shooting at the deer. There went that...Oh well, still hard at it. Atleast our temps have dropped recently so maybe that will help.

Good luck guys!


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Guest okla_bowhunter

Thats good, glad your after 'em. I wont' be able to start for another week. Our season starts on a monday, and i don't have any time after school due to wrestling practice, but I'll be after em' next weekend.


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Guest okla_bowhunter

My dad and i went out and set up some last minute stands yesterday. Picked up the trail cams too, and i got some really good pics, but left my sd card at a taxidermy shop in another town. But everything is lookin good around our stands. hopefully i'll we able to whack one next weekend.

Good luck to everybody.


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