Team #10 - Bone Collectors


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Finally saw this buck again!! I haven't seen him since August 6th when I took this pic. I also saw two others tonight that will be close to being worthy of an arrow this year. The big ones are just starting to move. This cooler weather next week ought to really get them moving!! IMGA0118.jpg

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Howdy everyone, hope all of ya'll are having a great season so far. I got a small 8 point yesterday , but will wait to enter since I have alot of hunting left to do. Hope I can get some more points. Good luck and God Bless.
Excellent!! Congrats!! You did take the proper photos just in case right? LOL I was wondering where you were, we haven't heard from you in a while. Anyone heard from Okla_bowhunter?
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I have been busy working and finally got a chance to sit in the blind. Only hunted about 15 minutes Saturday morning was able to get an arrow in a small 8 point and a doe. I did take photo's just in case. I will be hunting some more here in Texas and heading to Kansas in a few weeks, might even make another Mexico trip so hopefully I can get a 9 or better to put some more points on the board.

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Guest okla_bowhunter

Well guys i got good news and great news, but it all starts with bad news. Sunday night, a cold front moved in, and the temps finally dropped way down, and the deer were movin. About dark, one big eight point and one big old buck with a messed up rack showed up. The 8 point didn't offer a shot and left, but the messed up one offered me a twelve yard shot, but the wind was blowing about 35 mph and it threw me off and made me hit his shoulder solid.

It stormed that night, and yesterday morning my dad and i went out lookin for the buck, but we didn't find him. But as we were driven out, we saw two bucks sparring on the other side of our place.

Yesterday evening was awesome. The storms had passed through, and the temps dropped down to the low fourtys. I hadn't even got set up in my tree yet, and i had a little buck come and go. Then later on a doe, fawn, and a different little buck came in and came right under me. They even smelled and licked the rope that i pull my bo up with. But they left, and got down wind of me, and the big old doe ran off snorting. I thought my hunt was over, but about ten minutes later, a 8 point came in, he would go between 110-120 inches. I ranged him at 20 yrds, and shot right over his back. Well i only had one arrow left, so i got down right quick and ran over to get my arrow and crawled back up my tree. About 15 minutes later he came back, but never offered me a good shot, and even a little funky racked deer came in after him. It was gettin really late, about 7:10, and i was trying to get a shot on the 8 point, when i heard a noise behind me, and i turned to see a nice 9 point headed my way. he came in at twelve yrds, [the exact same place the one i shot the night before was standing] and i spined him and dropped him. And i got him. Mean while my dad had shot a nice 8 point. So we doubled up. It is awesome. We doubled up with 10 inch bearded gobblers this spring, and now this, it's incredible. I couldn't ask for anything better.

Will post pics tomorow----Good luck to all. And i saw a big ten that i'm after next weekend, being that it's opening weekend of black powder season. He's about 140 inch.

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Okla, those are some nice bucks. I know I have not been on here that much posting, however, I am checking in quite abit off and on to see how the team is doing. I have made it out a couple times, and seen a couple does and one nice buck, but they have all been too far out. Work has been crazy, which seems to be the norm the last couple years since I have been on this assignment. The season is just warming up, and still have plenty of time. Congrats guys on the nice deer. Keep it up. Good luck, Wade

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Hey fellas,

How has everyone been? I have been out a couple of times and last weekend I had seen 4 bucks and 2 does. The closest one came was 45 yards. I had that only shot oppurtunity at a doe at 45 yards and I decided to pass on it. That is a long ways to shoot with a bow. Other than that I have had pretty bad luck at seeing deer. Next weekend I am headed back home to Michigan to do some hunting for a week and pretty sure I can score on a doe and possibly a buck.

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The rut is kicking in!! Saw a huge buck with a long droptine that looked like it forked at the bottom yesterday morning. This morning was a bit slower with only two little buck sightings. Hopefully the weather will cool off like they are saying as I have the whole next week off yet to try and kill a big one!! Good luck everybody!!

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I finally did it! I whacked a doe yesterday morning at 30 yards! I just got my new bow this past Friday and I'm glad...I would have never been able to shoot her with my old bow past 20 yards.

I already entered her so there are points from Big MO...

Saw my first shooter from the stand last week. Main frame 10 with some small kickers around the bases. Gave me a 35 yard broadside suicide pose but I still had my old bow and wasn't confident in the shot. But, he'll be in trouble if he does it new Reflex throws some

Congrats on all the great kills guys...those bucks are really impressive!!!

The rut is getting ready to kick in here...the chase is on now and if these cold temps stick around, our gun opener should be deadly for the big boys!

Good luck everyone!



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Guest okla_bowhunter

Well guys i haven't posted in awhile, but i'm still after the deer. Black Powder season passed by without a deer, but i had many oppurtunities at does and decent bucks. But on the last night i saw a monster, but he wouldn't come within 300 yards. But i'll be after him. I won't get to hunt much more though due to wrestling season just right around the corner(actually our first tourney is this weekend), but i'll make the most of my hunting trips.

Nice deer guys and keep up the good work


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Well, thats most likely it for me. And know there is no saddness in my voice saying

I smashed this good 10 pointer at 7:30 this morning. This is my first good buck and I am sure enough proud of him even if he isn't a monster.

Haven't put tape to horn yet but my best guess is mid 130s. I've already got him enter so that's what, 10 points from Big MO?

Good luck guys!


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Congrats on a BEAUTIFUL BUCK, Marijane. That buck there is one to be proud of, make room on the wall. Bow season has been a drag for me. I have been seeing a couple deer here and there, but nothing within shooting distance, but within gun distance, which is starting next weekend. So hopefully, I can finally help with the points instead of drooling over these nice bucks you all have been getting. Keep up the good work. Wade

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