Team #10 - Bone Collectors


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Well, first day of shotgun season came and gone. I ended up with a couple freezer fillers, two good size does. I will get pics up as soon as I finish cutting them up later today. Not very points like the rest of you, but at least five more. I still have a muzzleloader tag left for the second weekend of December and will be getting a late season (doe only) tag for the second weekend of January. So hopefully, I can add some points to my lonely point total in December. I still have a couple bow tags left, so I have a couple chances left. Good luck to everyone and I will get the doe entered later today. Wade

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Congrats Mari Jane that is a heck of a deer!

I just got back from my annual hunting trip in michigan and managed to harvest a doe with my bow. I did not see any bucks during the trip though. I am going to enter the doe and I will also have a thread in the bow hunting room on the hunt. I also have a couple other pics from the trip that I will put in the photo room.


Here is a pic of the doe.

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Mike, nice looking doe, congrats. Call me a mental midget, but, I am not able to upload my pics into the realtree photos. It is telling me I need to see the system administrator. I am not that computer saavy, but I have done this before. I used someone else's camera and am not sure if that may be the problem (file size). If possible, can someone send their email address and post these pics for me in the entry thread so we can get a couple more points. I have tried following the post in the photo section on how to upload and it still does not seem to work. Thanks in advance. Wade

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