Team #11 - Lung Bustas


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Guest psefirestormlite

I'm game for lung bustas

I've seen a couple nice deer but nothing worth shootingand also been seeing plenty of does, just to hot to shoot one right now. I'm just waiting for the temp to drop some until I will harvest some more does.

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sorry i haven't been on lately but i have gotten a doe ,and i shot a buck saturday, i had it at 15 yards picture perfect shot, i shot it and had good lung blood for probably 600 yards or more. i found where it had laid up, there was blood everywhere, but it must have gotten up and walked away, because the blood just disappeared, anyway i didn't find it. kinda bummed but rifle season opens saturday so i hope all goes well

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I havent been on in awhile, but I shot a 160 class 10 pointer on the 27th, problem was I hit my arm guard and hit him in the neck, had a small blood trail for 3/4 of a mile, and then lost him. We found where he bedded down and then got back up and there was no blood anywhere so we gridded the hill and still came up empty handed. I figure he lived, he would have to bleed to death to die from a neck hit, and if he quit bleeding that couldnt have happened. Really sucked though, it was the biggest buck I ever had in bow range and then that happens.

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