Team #14 - PassThruCrew


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Sure wish I could have been in the stand this morning, this is the coolest morning we have had in a long time. Maybe the cooler weather is finally headed south, come on Saturday morning, so I can be sitting in a tree and watching my side of the pasture wake up :)

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Well I had a rough one last night. I had a big 10 with kickers come in to my rattling horns. He got there so quick he was 15 yards away when I still had the horns in my hand. I couldn't get a shot, but I got him to come back in to 18 yards and again no shot. He finally gave me a chance at 38 yards. I put my 43 yard on him and let it fly. The arrow was tracking perfect and Whack. I was sure I smoked him. He ran off. I gave him 15 minutes and got down. I couldn't find my arrow. I got a couple buddies to help and immediately we found blood. We trailed him for 200 yards and then it looked like he stood for a little bit and then nothing the blood was completely gone. I checked my arrow and it was a passthrough. The arrow had fat on it along with good blood. I searched all day today and couldn't find him. I thought I hit a bit high but right on left to right. I called my processor to ask him where I could hit him to have fat and chunks of meat on the arrow. He informed me that I had hit the "dead zone". It's a area right above the vitals and just below the spine where nothing exists. I had heard about this but never had or knew anyone who had hit it. Because of the yardage and being only 17 foot up the shot was flat and completely passed through that zone. It's about the size of a baseball. I don't think I could have gotten anymore unlucky on that one. The shot looked perfect, but between me being 5 yards off with me estimate preshot and the deer dropping just a touch did me in. I'm about sick right now. The only thing that is good is that the processor said the deer will live from it.

It's just sick because I would estimate him to score between 150-160 gross and probably 225 ish field dressed. It's unfortunate, but I figured I would let you all know that the "dead zone" does exist. I'll be back out this weekend trying it again.


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Too bad about the buck Hooiser sounds like he was a nice one, maybe if he did make you will get another chance at him. Starting to get a little cooler here, so maybe the deer around here will start moving some more. I will be back out again this weekend, maybe something will happen for me :)

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Sorry for not checking in for a little while, but to be honest I haven't had the chance to get out at all this week. This weekend will be different though, but I'm not expecting much.

Man that's just plain bad luck Hoosier, he sounded like a bruiser. Always heard of the deadzone but never had it happen personally nor to a friend.


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Finally felt like hunting season this past weekend, alot cooler than it has been and the bugs were not bothering, but all I seen was a few yearlings and a couple of bucks that are not legal to shoot in my area. Been getting a few more nice buck pics on the cameras, so they are starting to move around a little more.

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i smoked a doe the other day, will post the pictures in a few days. Then today i videotaped my buddy smoking a doe of his own! In the last two weeks we have shot 9 deer between the 5 of us that stick together and 11 for the year so far. I still have a few more days of vacation to try to get my big boy just too bad it seems that rut has not really kicked it into high gear yet. Will check back with the pics in a few days.

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Whoohoo! We'll have points on the board now!! Congrads Remington!

Went out yesterday and had a pleasant morning. Hunted a spot where we don't have any blinds/stands, so I just hid myself best I could along a field edge. It was getting later, about 8:25 and I could hear something crashing around in a cornfield. 5 minutes later there's a buck walking my way across an open field. He's just a small 6 or 8, 90" or so. I turned and watched him enter the woods not 15 yards from me. He was continuing on his way so I thought since I'm not going to shoot, I'll see what happens when I grunt at him. Grunted twice, he stopped and turned and came around to my other side. First time I ever played with the grunt tube on a buck. So that was interesting. Haven't seen anything else though.

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