Team #14 - PassThruCrew


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Nothing new from me, been seeing a few deer but nothing worth shooting in my books. I will be out everyday starting tomorrow when I get to my place until a day or so after Christmas. I will at least add a doe to our points, but maybe something bigger, just not promising anything other than a doe :)

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well sorry guys i couldnt connect this year...shot a nice 6 point and searched for a combined total of 12 hours with no luck...had good blood for a while and found a chunk of bone but no deer i was literally on my hands an knees threw the woods looking for new blood, brought the dog in and no points from me this year sorry again and good luck to the rest of you!

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Update For Team 14

Well team I had computer problems all this week and was without internet. So here's an update...

Muzzleloader stared up the 27th and the last day is tomorrow. I had no shots the first and second day at anything, bummer, then my moment came when two does came trotting across a field at me...POP! Sounded like just my cap blew but the bullet came to but went maybe 5 feet out. Reloaded and not long later had 2 more come across a field lined up and shot...a better BOOM! but still not much coming out?? We narrowed it down to me using my quick loads from last year and most likely they got damp and so the powder was not burning real well. But it should be all OK now. Only saw 1 deer all today and no one got a shot. Then on the drive home we were nearly hitting them things saw like 14 right by the roads. Unreal.

Last day is tomorrow and I'm going to try my best, if not there's always the rest of bow season.

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We can another doe to our list :). Went out this afternoon to the oat patch once again. The wind was blowing pretty good and the deer didn't come out as early as they usually do, but finally I seen some in the brush. Three yealings came on out, but the two does stayed back. Finally they also decided it would be alright to come on out and I picked out the biggest one and when she turned broadside, my AR15 spoke and she dropped in her tracks.

When I get back home and on my on computer next week I will post up the pics. Tommorrow is the last day for me for this season, so we will see what shows up :D

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well my season ended uneventfully. I can't remember if I posted this so sorry if I did, but if you all remember I hit a really nice buck in early bow season. Well I got a phone call from my buddy saying he got a nice one on the second to last day of muzzleloader. I went and got my ranger to help him get it out. When I walked up on the deer I immediately noticed the big split G-2 on the left side. I told him that darn that looks alot like the deer I shot. We got to looking at him and sure enough he had the hole in him high and a little back. It had healed shut, but had the hole on both sides. I was extremely excited to know that he didn't die a miserable death. He had busted himself up pretty good since I shot him, but with his full rack he was a mid 140's gross. He dressed with his head off at 179 lbs. That means he was 190 with the head. They say that deer run off 30-40 pounds during the rut. That would have put him when I shot him at field dressed around 220-230 lbs. That's pretty good for Indiana. We definitely had a few drinks to celebrate him getting that deer. Even though I didn't get him, it was nice to know that someone who hunts as hard as I did got him in the end. I will see about getting some pics up of him if I can.


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Sorry the season didn't work out for you Hoosier. That buck you discribed sounds similar to one I was hoping to connect with this year. Pretty wild how he healed over from your shot in him, but like you said at least he didn't suffer. Maybe next year.

I got a trail cam pic of a decent one that made it past the gun seasons, it's hopeful to know that there's still a good one out there that might end up as my bow kill. We'll see.

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