Team 18 Feet Up


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Well I shot a 11 or 12 point on Saturday Morning, only probably is the shot was not lethal and he lived on. Here is the story......My brother was filming and I was hunting, we were watching this doe out in the field feed 75 yards away. All of a sudden she looked back and started to quickly move at at angle towards us. What I did not know was that there was a buck 45 yards away from me feeding in the corn (altough my brother was filming him). I whistled to stop the doe at 40 yards and came to full draw. My brother seen my arrow being drawn back and said "no, no, no, no, big buck over here". I let down and turned around, the buck was 50 yards away in the con field. He seen the doe and started making his way on the exact path she did. So I quickly ranged him at 45 yards, stopped him, and shot. The arrow zipped right threw him in fron of his shoulder, not high or low, or waaaay in front, but just on the front side. He ran off and stopped and licked his wound, jumped the fence, walked around, and walked off up a couple terraces and over a hill. We waited a half hour, got down and got my arrow, there was just a little blood smears on the fletchings, otherwise clean...but I know it passed through. There was good blood where he had walked and then stood....the blood eventually stopped as he sealed up. We waited seven hours, came back and searched high and low through timber, corn, and CRP fields with no result. We stopped at dark and came back and looked some more on Sunday, and I am guessing that he still lives on because I looked at a deer anatomy chart and if you do not hit the jugular, windpipe, or spine, there is not much to hit in front of the shoulder. After watching the video I seen the buck was definetly a typical 11 maybe a 12 that would score in the 140's.

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Sorry I've been scarce...too busy working and hunting. Anyway, I hunted seven of the nine days of our ML season and saw plenty of deer, but the only shot that I got was a clean miss unfortunately.

I've seen that same buck, a nice 4 1/2 year old I've taken to calling "golden horns" because his rack is a golden yellow color, two more time since. He would be my biggest buck ever if I can put a tag on him. I'm going after him hard next Saturday morning and hunting every day I can from then on through our rifle season's close December 2nd. After that I'll be able to doe hunt through the end of December with special management tags (we're in Oklahoma's Deer Management Assistance Program, or DMAP), so even if G.H. gives me the slip hopefully I'll at least checkin five points for the team sometime soon.

If I'm scarce on here again, I'm in the woods. :D

Good luck to everybody and hope we all get plenty of time out there and get a chance to tag a brute!

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Well I came oh so close this weekend. My brother was filming and we had a nice 145" 8 point coming right to us, he was walking (angled towards us), I was getting ready to draw when my brother, in the most quiet voice ever whispers "I'm on him" somehow the buck hears it, stops broadside and is staring right at us. He turns around and trots off. Other than that I had a 2.5 year old fifteen point under our stand one day and the next day had him at 40 yards. He is an awesome looking deer, but hopefully will have a great future!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Way to go! Great buck!!!

I have not had much luck, I have hunted this one spot hard and seen many bucks, it was just a matter of time before one came within range. Well my brother hunted there Saturday morning and shot one. The rst of the weekend I hunted over a cornfield and had 13 deer within 90 yards the whole night. Hopefully I can tag a nice one during gun season.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been out a few times since New Years.

Saw 23 deer yesterday morning. Only 2 bucks and neither was a shooter. There's another group of 5-7 bucks running together on my property. I haven't seen them myself. But 4 other guys have. No shooters in that bunch, either. :( I did see a buck that appeared to be about 15" wide last weekend. Still not a buck I'd take. But there's some hope for next year. I'm not too convinced there's any shooter bucks left hanging around on my place. Still like to go out and sit in a tree, though. ;)

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