Team #20 - The Thwack-Masters


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Looks like we got a great team here! :D To introduce myself my name is Nadine. I am a 22 year old female hunter from Pennsylvania. I'll only be hunting Pennsylvania this year in the archery and rifle deer seasons.

Below are my planned extended hunting trips for the year. During these trips I'll be unable to get online at all until I come home. I may come home early if it's too warm and we have some deer harvested that need to go to the butcher/taxidermist. If that's the case I'll try to peek in and at least let you you all know what I got. ;)

  • Archery Deer (WMU 2G) - 10/26 to 11/10 (Home 11/11)
  • Rifle Deer (WMU 2G) - 11/30 - 12/08 (Home 12/09)

I'll also be hunting another hunting location this year that is closer to home. This location will be one those last minute hunt type spots and no set dates that I'll be hunting it. It is an archery only, Earn-A-Buck area. I have to harvest a doe, no button bucks, first before even considering harvesting a buck. I'll mainly be only hunting Friday evenings and Saturdays only. It's on a military base so if their alert level goes up at any time hunting is closed down immediately. Heck they come out in the woods and retrieve you from your hunting spots with loud speakers and helicopters and make everyone go home. :rolleyes:

  • Archery Deer (WMU 4C) - 09/29 to 11/10 & 12/26 to 01/12

Here are the tags I have the ability to fill this year in both archery and rifle deer seasons. I doubt I'll completely tag out, but, all these tags give me a lot of range on where I can hunt for deer this year.

  • 1 Statewide Antlered Deer Tag
  • 1 WMU 2G Antlerless Deer Tag
  • 2 WMU 2G DMAP Antlerless Deer Tags
  • 1 WMU 4C DMAP Antlerless Deer Tag (Archery Only)


As far as my suggestions on team names. I'm honestly fine with any team name we come up with as long as it is not crude of course. Here's a few suggestions of names of teams I've been on in past deer contests or teams I just liked the names of.

  • Team Double Take
  • Team Realtree Assassins
  • Team Antler Assassins

Once we all agree on a team name I'm more than happy to make the team a signature. I made them for teams in past hunting contests on here and enjoy making them. Only thing I won't do in team signatures anymore is animations. I find they annoy people when too many individuals from the same team reply to the same post if their signatures animate. So, I avoid the animated signatures anymore to be considerate to other forum users. ;)

Some examples of my work from previous years hunting contests:


Also if anyone on the team ever needs help getting their images hosted online and coded correctly to post in the submission thread just let me know. I'll host your images for free until the contest is completely over. After the contest is completely over I'll of course remove them from my photobucket after that point. :D

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Love the Thwach Masters you should get it in there before someone else grabs it ! I will be leaving for Saskachewan this Sat to meet up with Saskman and Superguide so if all goes well I will have some bone for us for points by the 7th.

I have trips booked all over this year so chances of an upgrade are possible also.

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Congratulations Shane and Chris on your does! :D I wish I could be out hunting right now and helping add more points to the board for the team. ;)

Also, Finn I love the team name! Would you guys like some team signatures with the team name on them? If so let me know what exactly you think should portray "The Thwack-Masters" and I'll try to git-r-done. ;)

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Hello thwack masters! Looks like a great team...hope I can do my part to make us a winner. I only hunt with a bow, but I spend a lot of time in the field and have taken at least one deer for the last three seasons. No big boys yet, but I have my eye on a couple that I hope to get a crack at this season.

One week away from the season opener!

Good luck everyone!

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Hey toddyboman.....I will be bow hunting in Miller CO.... Just north of the Lake of the Ozarks....I don't expect to see much this year... maybe thats a good thing.....I will be out there the 3rd thru the 12th...last 3 days I will pull out the ole 270......I do have an extra 80 acres to hunt to the Osage river.... that may be the ticket....

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Okay after talking back and forth with Craig in a few PM's about the signature. Here's some quick attempts I did inbetween breaks while working today.




So, are any of these worthy enough to be our team signature? It's all I got around to working on earlier today and right now. I can try to get some more time tomorrow to round up a few more ideas into signatures if either of these aren't worthy enough. :p

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