Team #20 - The Thwack-Masters


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Man the deer have been kicking our butt this year. The weather has been awful either pouring rain and I mean pouring or the winds have been 80mph and nothing moving. Finally last night a nice 8 point came out of the corn but not with enough light to wait him out. Rifle opens here Sat for 3 weeks and then back to the other province for muzzle loader so hopefully something happens soon. Never seen it this bad before with the huge deer populations we have.

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Nice job todd! Very nice buck bowin! No more buck tags, head west to Missouri and buy a bow tag, $150.00.

My vacation just started hours ago and I'm packing up my truck headed to Missouri to bow hunt for 7 days then gun hunt for 3 days on my parents farm just north of the lake of the Ozarks. Bowin that is what I'm looking for to hang up in the garage....See ya all in a 12 days or so, not internet down there, just good fishing and some deer hunting, and a few brews as well !! Good luck all

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We will be in first once I get my doe entered, I just really thought I would have a buck by now so I didnt enter her, but I will this week, gotta find the tag picture and put it on the computer.

The rut is on full bore here, bucks running around everywhere. Saw 3 different shooters last night. Hopefully I can stick one. I am also planning my buffalo county hunt for 3 week from now with my buddy mike on his property, this will be my 3rd year going and this place holds some monsters. Good luck everyone!


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Hey guys thought I'd check in. I'm back now from my archery hunting trip. I had a real good time, but sadly didn't bring any points back for the team. I'm going to get another week to try with the rifle here in 2-weeks and hopefully I'll return with some more points for the team.

I almost had a doe for the team the last morning hunt, but I clean missed the doe. I also had a 3x1 buck the last evening hunt that same day, that would have got us some points for the team, but he hung up 5-yards out of my furthest ethical shooting distance and never came in for a shot. I had a really great time though and had success with harvesting a squirrel and saw turkeys several times, almost had a shot at a turkey with my bow, too. For my first year bowhunting I accomplished alot.

You can read about my hunting trip, if you desire, in my journal post. I also posted some pictures of my father's harvest and my squirrel in there, too.

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HI good news after 12 days in MO. The deer where moving like crazy crazy ! I stuck a good one and I don't know how I didn't find it. I have seen this deer in the past, my guess he was 5 1/2 years old. I saw exactly where the arrow hit and saw where the arrow passed through as he ran off........ just baffled... waited 2 hours before I started looking for him just for the fact I knew he was an older deer....

I'm never deer hunting again lol...

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Well guys the rifle season ended here Sunday and the whole season it just about over and it is one of the worste on record. All the areas around us are reporting the same thing. It is almost like the rut never happened. No bucks, no scrapes no rubs. Saw lots of does and fawns but hardly any bucks at all. I have never seen it this bad.

I finally took a doe on Sat that I will get entered this week for us at least and we have a week on ML left from Dec 3 to the 9th, I plan to take 4 days that week and see if I can still hammer a buck and upgrade.

Man after all the work and I dint know how many hours in a stand this year I am really disappointed. I know it happens some years just cant figure out what happened to the deer does not makr sense for this area at all.

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My own personal seems like the rut keeps tryin to get going, but it doesn't quite get something is missing or isn;t quite right. I don't's been a weird season.

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Heading up to the National Forest just north of my Dad's for some muzzleloader hunting this weekend and early next week. Hope to get a crack at a nice buck....I think most up there die of old age, so there's some big ones around.

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Hey guys I'll be heading up this Friday in the early hours of the morning to where I archery hunted to now rifle hunt. I will stay up there until the end of rifle season which is December 8th. Hopefully I can score a few more points for the team. According to weather forcast it's going to be terribly cold up there and snow is very likely. I always seem to have good luck finding deer in the snow, so it looks quite promising. I'll let you guys know how it went when I get back. :D

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Good luck Finn and Moon!!

My hunting has slowed way down...:(:( Kinda was discouraged after such a poor archery and gun season. I had high hopes then nothing and I mean NOTHING panned out. Went lastnight and saw lots of deer but no big buck to shoot at :( but seeing the deer kinda got my blood pumping again:D.

But now the weather is finally turning cold and food is finally lacking so our food plots are starting to get hit hard. Only a month late:rolleyes: but hopefully I can make good of the opportunity. Last night I had at one time 15 deer in the one plot so thats promising.:cool:

Hopefully something good can happen this weekend.

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