Team #20 - The Thwack-Masters


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Last weekend of shotgun season and I shot this 8ptr. with 7 scoreable points. My only hope for another upgrade is only if I g back to Missouri and try to fill my bow tag. He is a big deer for the small rack, going to make some smoked deer sausage out of him. I sat in my stand for 7 hours Sat. 50 cal. muzzleloader put him down.


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I was just looking at the scoreboard, and if everyone would shoot a doe we would be right in the thick of things for some nice prizes.

Indiana only allows one buck a year so I'm taking a break this weekend. I'm still loking forword to going back to MO. to fill my bow tag on this monster 10 ptr. I have been hunting for the past few years.

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Hey guys I'm back from my final deer hunting trip of the season. I managed to bring back the team some points. I'm not sure how this is going to work out for the contest, but in this state if both spikes on a buck are under 3" in length they are considered an antlerless deer and use my anterless tag. On the second to last day of the season I shot a spike that qualified as anterless, but both spikes are over 1". So, I'm hoping that I'll get the two extra points for the team out of it, but not sure how that works out. I'll post up the story on the deer in my journal later after I get this deer off to the butcher and get unpacked. Just figured I'd pop in here and let you guys know how I did.


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Going to hit it again this weekend. I'm off til Tuesday night, so heading up to the Federal again...been baiting every day this week to get ready. It's a 45 min drive up, then a 25 minute walk to my stand, so hope it's worthwhile. ;)

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Didn't see a thing on either of my stands....a buddy sat in one :confused:

Well, my Dad did see a buck that he wants me to shoot by his stand. It's a decent buck with no brow tines. Will have to check that one out. ;)

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Good luck to everyone still hunting! My season is pretty much over. My spike was the best I could do for the team. We do have a late archery season after Christmas, but I won't get a chance to get out and hunt it. I will be too busy catching up on things I put off to go hunting all the times I did this earlier year.

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anyone know Danbo? Saw a picture in a post by Rossman that Danbo got an 8 pointer, but can't reach either of them. :(

Shane's got a doe to post up I think we're around 88 points. :)

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