Team #22 - Backstrap Fever


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well went out yesterday morning heard lots of noise dad was driving so we got there later than i wanted but oh well stuff happens didnt get there till amlost daylight so that was probally a good reason y we didnt see anythign sat on stand till about noon then climbed down didnt see a deer but did see a nice size gobbeler oct 27th starts turkey gonna try to get one with my bow outta my treestand cause archery season is still goin on along with fall turkey

my luck is still with me i know there is plenty of deer down there dad seen 5 on friday night and i seen a buck friday night so it all is in good favor i will see one i just need to stop switching ends of the flat with dad and stay were i started at the bottom end


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Hey guys, Nice buck and does Ranchhand. Looks like you are a busy man now. I hunted both saturday and sunday morning and seen a bunch of does and had a spike and a 6 point at 8 yrds from my stand. Still holding out for a 120" or better. May take a small call buck later in the year if i don't get anything. Me and my 2 brothers did a grid walk today after we got down trying to take one last look for that buck. Didn't see anything. I had a couple of spots that i thought he might bed up and didn't want to go the rest of the year wondering. This is the last time we are going to look for him and let the area settle down and clear our scent out of there. The rut looks like it is going to kick in early this year around here. We have seen a few bucks trailing does already. They were only following, but they were acting like they didn't want to leave them. Does anyone know what the winning score was last year? I can see us getting to mid 50's and maybe even in the 60's at this rate. LOL. I can see deerkillr putting us some points on the board soon. Go get em.

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Guest tarbaby

Well guys it stormed like I had thought it would this weekend, but I did make it out once with the girlfriend. I hung two stands next to each other in a real safe spot for her to come with me periodically and so my buddy can film. We saw two does and a little one saturday night but they stayed out about 80yds. The weather is finally dropping in temps here so, depending on how many classes I don't go to (sshhh) I should be able to go a bit more. Supposed to be lows in the 40's and 30's within the next week.

Good luck all


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yeah i hope to be putting atleast some point on this brd i got till january 12th till my season is done they might class me as a junior on here but i dotn have a junior liscnse so so i can only shot a buck that has atleast 3 pnts on one side casue of antler restriction in pa but it all looks good for me wont be out again till wensday night just to much going on and idk if i will even get otu then becasue my uncle needs help with pciking corn 1 row at a tiem but belive me the bow will be with me incause i see deer while picking but idk when ill get otu this week i knwio saturday for sure so hope u guys r having better luck than me looks liek most of u are

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Just checking in to see if anyone has been hunting much this week? There is suppose to be a cold front pushing through later this week, but unfortuneatly i am working in North Carolina this week and won't make it out till this weekend. My hunting will be limited to the weekends for the next 5 weeks while we are working on this job. The good news is my schedule looks to be pretty relaxed from Thanksgiving till the end of season ( Jan 12th ). I do have a week scheduled in Michigan for gun season here in a few weeks so i guess it ain't to bad. Where does everyone live and hunt at? I will list mine below. Talk to you later.

Live : Southern Illinois

Hunt : Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri

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Ranch, you are a killing machine woohoo, nice der my friend. Well team I had 3 does come to me Sat. morning and I had one lined up but there was this one little sapling in the way off my shot and could not risk on taking it. But I took care of that little bugger when I got out of the tree. Sun morning I did not see any until later in the afternoon but way to far. So it has been really good sign so far this year on one piece of property that I hunt. Got work doubles all week until Sat morning but hopefully The big one Shows up. Good luck team I will be checking in all week. Kevin

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Ranch, a big congratulations to your wife. That is a very nice looking buck. Now, get at it!:D

I made it out this morning and saw plenty of does, both mule deer and whitetails. They're off limits at the moment, however. Looks like the bucks are coming out only after dark. Rut will start kicking in soon, so that will be just fine.

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Craig, We hunt in Calcasca county not to far from Morris Town. We have gone there for years and camp on state land. We have 6 to 8 guys that stay in our camp off of Fletcher Rd and then a few other guys that we know that stay in camps not to far from us. We have done pretty decent that past few years. I took a nice 8 pt with my pistol last year and my dad took a 130 class 10 pt about 4 yrs ago. That area has good deer in it, but it is hunted pretty hard and then they clear cut areas every year so you have to change your stand locations almost yearly. We really don't go for the big bucks. Getting my brothers and my dad togather along with a few friends is what it is all about. Ok, maybe a little beer drinking also. LOL.

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Thanks guys!Good luck to y'all!Since I only have one tag left I am trying to save it for something to go on the wall.I have until Jan 15th.There are a few public land hunts where I can get some bonus tags as well.

rad I have a good sized freezer,and we just ate our last pack of deerburger this week.So we are getting all of these processed as we can.I have plenty of friends who would like some too.

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Craig, There always seems to be the friends that show up around deer season wondering how the season is going. LOL. I usually have a few does in the freezer already, but i am trying to hold out this year. It has been kinda fun though. I have some awesome footage on my camcorder of deer all around my stand and even some right below it. I am going to start taking my camera out with me so i can get some pics that i can post. We are going to Illinois to hunt this weekend since they just had the severe storms yesterday and the winds were in the 20 to 30 mph range all day today. Suppose to be 43 in the morning so i think the deer will be on the move. Good luck to everyone this weekend.

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Ranch, Nice buck. I went out Saturday Morning and had a pretty good sit. I seen 17 deer and approx. 30 turkeys. No cugers this time. I seen 9 different bucks ranging from a little spike to a 150 class 10 point. I had the 10 point about 15 yrds from me through a tree and he was walking right down the trail that opens up at my shooting lane at 10 yrds. He stopped about 5 yrds shy of the shooting lane and looked across the grass opening at which time i also looked across to see a decent 8 pointer and another buck that i couldn't see his rack very well step out into a opening. Once he seen that 8 pointer he took off on a dead run right after that buck and never let up. Definately a great day to be in the woods. All the bucks were either chasing does or following not to far behind a doe. We are taking the camper up this weekend and spending 3 days of hard hunting. I have 2 more good weekends of low hunting preasure before i go to michigan and the first weekend of gun season kicks in. Always a little harder to get on them after the first part of gun season.

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Well Team, I had the best weekend of my entire life and a little disheartning at the same time. Sat. morning started out buetiful nice morning put out some Doe scent just in case Mr. big comes along. About 2 hours into the stand I heard a galloping coming down the trail crashing into the woods near my stand, Scarring the hek out of me I turned around to see what the crashing was and there he was MR. BIG a HUGE 10 point what a body all the right features of a old mature buck sagging belly chest and neck were just one big solid mass with this enourmous Rack with a ghostly looking face. I always get rattled when deer come in but this one was just not no ordinary heart pumper leg shaker he was a heart stopper. He was at 25 yards when he stopped a caught scent of the Doe scent Gave me a perfect shot Opp. I come to full draw and look through my peep but couldn't, the peep was twisted so I could not see through by this time he is still looking my way and I could not make any evasive moves so I thought to myself I have practiced with out peep and with such huge body mass I know I could get a great hit, so the Gold Tip with Muzzy sailed on a straight and perfect journey until Mr. BIG dropped of the sound of the string, right over his back. If he would of never dropped I would be posting some truly monster pics. But the good thing is he took off about 40 yards then just started walking again like nothing happened. So sunday come along same spot a little earlier after 45 mins in the stand a nice 6 point come's in same trail Nice shot opp. I was saying Meat in the freezer time, everything came together, peep was good, Gold tip Connected this timebehind the shoulder good hit. waited an hour got down started looking found my arrow, but No blood I looked for 5 hrs no blood whats so ever. I have never had this happen to me, I felt heartbroken not even a track to find I am going to do another search this afternoon for a final look. Sorry for this being long. Hopefully everybody else is doing well.

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Sorry to hear about your bad luck monsterbucks,Good luck on that 150 Rad!There was onl a handful of 150's taken in my state last year!!

I had some more good luck yesterday evening.A doe and yearling slipped up behind me and I was only 8ft up a tree.I had to shoot left handed and behind me.Both dropped @ 35yds.


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well havnt been out sence last wensday didnt make it out saturday lke i wanted too alarm never went off i was jacked but i did mange to get otu small game saturday afternoon i got a squirrel oen buiddy got a rabbit and oen got a pheasant not bad for a few hourse of close ot hoem hunting but idk when or if i will be out this week maybe saturday befor i gotta head out for a hay ride saturday so its been a bussy weeeknd and a busy week this week this week blows for me its hard sorry boys season was looking good but idk how much more ill be out hopefully atleast 5 more times


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