Help Looking For A Pistol


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What do you want it for?

I've got one of these 0355-03513-0031.jpg It is surprisingly accurate, but still not great and has been more reliable than most people would have you believe, but has jammed a few times. If you are looking for a defence gun, I would go with something bigger like a 380 or 9mm. Like this KelTek P11 P-11.jpg

If you want a target gun I would get one of these.

10125.jpg Ruger Mark III

0355-03425-1769-p2.jpgWalther P22

0355-00336-7601.jpgBeretta Neos

0355-00449-7349-p1.jpgBrowning buckmark

0355-03425-7410.jpgSmith & Wesson 22a

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Sounds like you need to do a bit of thinking about what you really need. You started out asking about a .22 cal. But your second post says you don't want something underpowered. Are you looking for something as a defence against big threats (bears, big cats, wolves and people) or for smaller threats (snakes).

The next question is, What calibers do you have experience with, and of those what are you comfortable shooting?

If you are worried about bigger threats and are comfortable with it, a 9mm is probobly best. If smaller animal threats then a .22 is fine even if you are comfortable with a larger gun.

Next question, you said you are going to carry it while hunting. What are your state laws concerning carying a handgun while hunting, are you allowed to have a concealed handgun or does it have to be worn in the open? If you plan to or have to wear it in the open you can afford a larger frame pistol than if you plan to conceal it, and the larger frame will balance a heavier caliber's recoil.

If you are not familiar with heavier caliber pistols try renting a couple at a gun range or use a friend's before you buy one to see if you are comfortable with it.

Honestly, if you are not comfortable with the larger calibers, you are better off with a target 22 like the Ruger Mark III (you can buy a ruger Mk I, II, or III used for about your price range or a tad more) posted above even if you are worried about bigger threats. The largest bear on record for a while out in california was one killed by a woman who was out quail hunting with a .22 short rifle. The bear charged and she emptied her rifle into its face and head, one or two rounds found soft spots in the eyes and skull to hit brain and kill it instantly, proving once and for all it is about shot placement rather than caliber/muzzle energy...not that I plan to take a 22 short on my next bear hunt LOL.

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First off, it would be for bigger defense. I don't want anything like a .44. I do want something powerful, but not something that will knock me on my butt. I don't think it matters for being concealed or not, but I'm not sure.

If you have any pistols that you think would be good for me, please let me know the link on the internet and the price. Also, thanks for your time and helping me.:)

What do you think would be best for me? My dad thinks I should have a .22, but I'm not sure.:p

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Well I guess I am being a bit redundant here, but have you ever fired any pistols larger than a .22. If not that may be why your dad is sugesting it. You may want to listen to him, he knows your situation and abilities.

Again if you can't handle higher levels of recoil COMFORTABLY AND ACCURATELY, then stick with a very accurate .22 such as the Ruger Mk I, II, or III. Even for larger threats it will work if you place your shots in the head, and no matter what anyone says regarding the stoping power of any caliber for a human attacker, I doubt they will volunteer to be a target to prove a .22 won't stop them. :0

Also don't forget you are hunting, that means you are already carying something capable of killing things...

If you insist on a larger caliber pistol, and since concealability does not matter, I would sugest a full size metal frame semi auto in 9mm. The full size metal frame increases gun weight and decreases recoil, as does the semi auto as the mechanism uses recoil energy function, directly or indirectly depending on the design.

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