Realtree Hardwoods Green HD???

Guest whitetailhunter01

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Guest whitetailhunter01

So, I have been searching everywhere for Hardwoods Green HD camo and I can't find any anywhere. Well, I can find it but it is always on clearance and there are like no sizes left, just XXL and bigger. I really need some light weight camo because I live in FL and do most of my hunting. Does anyone know if this camo is being phased out because of the new AP and APG? I really hope not. I really like AP and APG but for my area, you can't beat the Hardwoods Green HD.

Thanks for any help.

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Guest whitetailhunter01

Yeah, I am headed to BP tonight to see if they have any. If not, I will be going with APG...its pretty close.

Does anyone know if the Hardwoods is being discontinued?


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Guest whitetailhunter01

My Wally World only has AP. Well I went to BP and they had a nice pair of Micro Lite pants but they didn't have the Micro Lite I went with the Mesh Lite shirt because they didn't have the Mesh Lite pants :confused:. I got all of this in APG, along with a pair of Primos gloves and Primos face mask in APG.

I am going to get the Micro Lite shirt too as I like it a lot better but it won't make it here by Friday so I will just keep checking at the local shop or I might order.

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Guest WGABuck

HD Green

Look at clothing tags!

I was visiting Gun Country Outdoors, GCO Outfitters, for a fantastic selection.

Also, in the same town is West Georgia Sportsman & Marine.

The newer shades of camo seem too bright to me, and it stays warm in the south.

So, the leaves take longer to brown, and drop off.

Wal-Mart had one that is tan with green and silver/white tree limbs which is very bright.

In my area right now, nothing much is falling yet.

Acorns are green, and the fawn is eating the shrubs in front of the house.

I have not seen the doe in a couple of weeks, and I hope the buck comes back to feed under the pinoak this year.

Greys and greens and dark trunk colors just fit better to the woods here (imo).

I can get in the HD Green jumpsuit and hide myself in a thicket to wait beside the field of dreams.

Or, I can wait on a ridge line at the bottom of three trees that would cover my outline.

Some places will not allow the cutting of small trees or brush, but I snip a few limbs for cover where I can. :cool:

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