2007 Colorado Elk Hunt


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Ok I will try and cover as much as possible and hope I don't bore you ......

We left on Friday September 14th and drove straight through to Walden Colorado. A long drive but with 3 of us it wasn't too bad. We did stop at Cabelas in Sydney Nebraska and I spent way too much money. :D Oh well.

We got our liscense and decided that it was only 3 pm so we might as well go to our hunting spot and set up camp.

Here is my home for the next 7 days .....


Here is Waynes home .....


And of course Johns Home .....


This is the three of us at Cabelas .....

Wayne, myself, and John ....


Well the first day, Sunday, we were pretty excited. John went off on his own (he hunts with a long bow and a good guy. Wayne and I hunted together for the first 4 days. We called all morning, heard a few distant bugles but nothing came in. At noon we went to check out a couple wallows that we saw last year and where I saw a big bull last year.


We even set up a decoy that Wayne bought .....



As soon as we got set up and started eating lunch, the skies turned form blue to a dark grey and we got soaked. Then the sun came out and dried us out a little. We decided to head to the dark timber. We stopped a few places and called. The last place we stopped at it was extremely thick. Wayne and I both called a little and the next thing I knew I heard a big crash and running throught the brush. I could see a nice bull coming along the ridge. I stopped him 3 times with my "hoochie mama" call but each time he was behind a tree. The last time, all he had to do was go 10 more yards and I would have had a 15 foot wide shooting lane and I would have had a 40 yard shot on a broadside Colorado bull. The wind was in my face and everything was perfect, except he decided to turn and go crashing over the mountain. Gone. We waited 15 or so minutes and then I went up to Wayne and said that was absolutely awesome. The first day and we called in a bull. It was going to be a good week, so I thought.

Shortly after that, the skies let loose again, this time hail. And I mean big hail. We tried to find cover but it didn't help much as we got pelted with theese large BB's. Wayne even took out the decoy and we used it as an umbrella. If anyone could have saw us they would have laughed there butt off.

Some of the hail ...



We were soaked again so we headed up the mountain and stopped to call a few more times then called it a day. Back at camp we died out and as soon as we got done with dinner it hailed again. We were in our tents by 7:30 and never came back out. It rained most of the night.

The second day we headed up the hill with lots of hight hopes. We heard a few distant bugles again and moved around and called all day. Nothing. No more bugles. At about 11 am we set up and called and I looked over my shoulder and there stood another hunter. I went and talked to this guy who was from Michigan and he was already depressed at the lack of sign. He said he was with another guy and there were two more hunters camping in the same spot as them. Nothing else the rest of the day. We got back ate dinner, and just like the night before he skies let loose once again. It rained, and I mean it rained hard all night and into the morning. We didn't even get out of our tents until 11 am (eastern time). We hiked, called, hiked and called some more to no avail. Here is some of the areas we were hunting.

Some spots were pretty open ....




Most of the spots we hunted were very thick like this ....




The third day turned out pretty nice except the wind was gusting about 20 35 mph all day and everyday after that. Each day it got warmer and warmer until it hit 75 degrees. Way to warm for elk to be moving good. We had a low the first mornig of about 32 (most mornings were in the mid 40's) and highs in the 70's and very windy. You could not even here each other call. This day we also heard a bugle, well we thought. It turned out to be other hunters and we actually "bugled" them in. There was three of them. We talked for a while and they were saying how they haven't heard any bugles. There were there two weeks ago and the elk were going nuts. GREAT :w00t:

The week before was muzzleloading season and the one guy, a local said there was a lot of pressure. He also said there were more bow hunters in this area than he has ever seen. We knew of 10. Lord only knows how many more were in there. It is a big area but when the elk get spooked they shut right up, so I am told. We attribute some of this to an article written in North American Hunter that stated this area was one of the to 10 hot spots in the country for elk. By now we were pretty discouraged. We hunted hard for the next 4 days but never heard another bugle or even saw a cow. I did manage to see a bull moose the second to last day that got my heart pumping. Like I said each day got warmer and warmer and made for real tough hunting when your hiking at 10,000 to 11,000 feet.

We went this week becuse we thought they would be more vocal. I think the pressure dove the elk out and the warm, windy weather kept the ones that were there locked down. Now don't think that I am complaining, becuase I know that is hunting. I just know I will not be going back to this area anytime soon. We still had a great time and just camping and hanging out with these guys made it all worth while. Wayne and I had some good laughes and we worked our tails off. The country alone is absolutely beautiful. We saw mule deer, antelope (on the way out), a pine martin, sage grouse and numerous squirrels and various birds. There is nothing like the Colorado Rockies.

Here are a few pics from the area ......

















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I will add a few more pics ......

On the way out, we got stuck in traffic fr a car fire ...



Here are me and the guys in our hunting garb ....

Wayne ....




John .....


Myself in my Mossy Oak ......




Myself in Realtree AP ....



We had some small fires at camp, nothing like the smackdown, but there is something about a nice little campfire....



We had a camp bird, looked like a blue jay that we were feeding ....



Oh yeah, and one ugly hunter .... me :p I was bored


We did see a few rubs, just nothing real fresh ...


The first night after we set up camp, wayne and I took a ride and come around the corner and saw these free roaming cows that are all over in the wilderness .....



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One last thing ....

On the way home John needed to stop back at Cabelas again, and yes I spent more money, I heard a page over the loud speaker for David Blanton to come to the front of the store. I couldn't believe it so I went up there. Sure enough there he was talking to some lady. I went up to him and waited until he finished talking and intoduced myself. He said he was just coming back for Wyoming on an elk hunt with his son and stopped in to pick up some stuff. We talked for a while, and let me tell you, he is a great guy. I could have talked to hime forever. I did manage to get a couple pics with him. BTW he made me feel better, they didn't get an elk either.


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great pics of an excellent hunt. too bad luke had to shed some tears on your story... lol. luke has been whimpering for a year from going over the same mountain passes you went over. except he had a highly experienced mountain driver, with a zero accident record. you reading this, luke... lol

glad you had a fun hunt, and were able to top it off with meeting david. he's quite a guy.

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