passing the time?


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I love to hunt, but it gets boring just like everything else. So what do you guys do while on stand or in a blind to pass the time? I read hunting books a lot, like scent books and what not, or hunting strategies books, or maybe a Steven king book here and there. I also have a yahtzee game like Waddel has that I play every now and then. What does everyone else do? Any text messagers out there lol?

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i go over my yardages for my shooting lanes. i visualize what i would do if a buck appered in a certain spot and then how i would go about getting a shot.

i do not go on stand to play. i am there for one reason only, to shoot a deer. this is why no deer gets within 50 yards of me without me seeing it first. that is my biggest secret to shooting bucks and freezer does and being a sucessfull bowhunter for 30 years.. being ready mentally all the time.

if you let down your guard, then the Tale of Woe begins. " i was reading a book and a big buck snuck in to within 10 yards of my stand, i was caught unaware and so it is told. the Story of how the big one got away..;)

Shoot Strong


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I with Tony, I can't go my yardages enough in my mind before a shot opportunity comes about. I hunted five different stand locations opening week and knew every tree or stump as a yard post for when a deer came out. My range finders didn't need to cme again. No books or anything, I screwed up two seasons ago trying to get cute and take pictures of the great fall colors. I if I had the angle of the camera down about four more feet I would have seen the deer standing there looking at me and she would have been in the frame as well. Needless to say she blew the woods up! LOL I also try and picture every shot angle I can or will take, constantly run the "What If" through my head.;)

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I can watch squirrels and birds until I hear that snap of a twig.....have never read a book or used a Yatzee game, I'd be afraid of not being ready.

My uncle is the best hunter I know and he reads all the time on stand.

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No playing here either. Usually thinking about past hunts I've had from that particular spot or planning the rotation of next years food plots. Sometimes just closing your eyes for a while and letting your mind wander. That silent spiritual reflection that takes place in the tree or blind is priceless. By the time I leave the woods, I have the worlds problems solved and my mind is refreshed. God I love bowhunting!

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Guest antlerhead

i get out my rangefinder and zap ranges until i have them memorized. that way when a deer shows up i dont have to guess and im ready as soon as a shot presents itself. i also try and guess the yardage before i zap it just to keep in the practice of judging distance. after thats accomplished i sit there and watch for any movement whatsoever. if your busy playing games or reading books a deer can slip in on you before you know it and you will be totally unprepared for it. and if your luck is like mine it will be the big one and he will get away because you wasnt prepared. you have to be ready for anything. you usually only get 1 chance and i dont do anything to blow it. but you do what you want to keep you on stand longer because if you get bored and go home you dont stand a chance at all of killing a deer.

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I NEVER HAVE MY PHONE IN THE BLIND OR thing is i buy them cheap hand held games like poker, or yahtzee or racing or something like that...but they have to have a sound swithch so i can shut it off or i'll pop the back off and kill the speaker so i dont have any sound issues but i normally put it all away come deer movment time. I have one i drilled a hole in and put it on a rope so i can have it around my neck just incase i get that one mid day deer

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