Though i would share my first deer story


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Opening day my first time hunting, i was standing about 40 yards from my dad wile my uncle did a push through some tickets infront of us....I keept hearing something behind me, looked and didn't see anyting, looked again and had my first deer i had seen wile hunting stand broad side to me with its head down, i lifted my gun and looked through the scope (deer was about 30 yards away) i went to take the safety off when the deer lifted its head and wouldn't u know was a buck....i started to shake, i put the cross hairs where they should be and squeezed the triger and nothing....i did kind of a cartoon spin and hid my self behind a fence post (i was like 5' 9" at the time so it really didn't hide me). i looked to see if i put a bullet in i did, i pulled the bullet out to see if it was a dud it wasn't, i checked to see if the trigger had crud jammed behind it....NOTHING. Than i realised in my excitment i had FORGOTTEN to click the safty off, i was kickin my own...well u know.....i turned back expecting to see the a nice white tail headding stright away....but to my surprise the buck was now only feet away and still standing broad side i quickly cliked the safety off and shot the buck and dropped him where he stood....fist deer, first shot with the gun (sighted in by my dad and uncle...i was living with mom and my mom and dad had gone through a bad divorce and wernt getting along) the buck was a 6pt, when i went and told my dad and uncle (after uncle had finished drive) my dad thought i was just wasting rounds, he had heard the shot and saw i was remaining really really calm....i said i had shot a deer and wasn't lying...finally after checking on the doe he had shot he agreed to come and look on the condition that if there wasn't a deer or blood on the ground i was done hunting for the day(only cause he was trying to keep my responsible)....well we walked over and sure enough there was my buck right where i had shot it....I have to say it was kind of funny watching my dad eat crow..................................since that i have taken 8 other bucks some bigger but no matter how big i'll never forget my first day of hunting and my fist buck.

and i got to hear the story of how it took my dad 3 years to shoot his first deer and 6 to shoot his first buck......and how hunting than was walkin up hill both ways through blinding snow storm and blistering heat. i just smiled while thinking about my buck.

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That's good stuff!

My first encounter was with my uncle also. He walked me out in the morning, and sat me down at the trunk of a tree overlooking a holler. Needless to say, I fell asleep only to wake up to a buck staring me down about fifteen feet away. I'm sure it wasn't a big buck, but it has only grown in my memory over the years. Nothing I could do since my gun was laying in my lap at the time. I was shaking for a good 15-30 minutes afterwards. I'll never forget it.


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