Recomended Reading for Food Plots


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My family and I are preparing to create a few food plots on some hunting ground. I would like to try and soak in as much information as possible before diving in too far, so I was wondering if you guys had any recomended reading materials to help us out? We have plans to talk with a local DNR rep who could help us out. I was telling the others that I always tend to find some good information here, so I would put some feelers out. Thanks!

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A lot of the time local farmers work well because they are familiar with the soils in your area and may be able to help you with some of your initial heavy tillage. They are however usually partial to feedmill seed. The Whitetail Institute of North America puts out a newspaper called the Whitetail News and is free. Just go to their website. They have performed the most research into seed blends and seed genetics. There are also many great books out there on the net. The Quality Deer Management Association also has some good reading. Good luck with it, it's very rewarding when you see the results. :)

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