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A button bucks, i'm guessing i was around 12. Shot it and it fell, then I got a little excited and stuck it 2 more times cuz i was afraid it would get away. Went to find my dad and we walked up and he said " what is it a porcupine." Little did I know, the first shot was fatal. Learned alot since then, thank god. If not i'd never have any meat left on a deer! lol

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I was bow hunting during the rut,and missed a doe that morning.I got down and was stalking my way back to the truck when I heard a rucuss and saw 3 bucks chasing a doe.I knelt down,grunted and bleated and a nice 1 1/2 old 8 pointer came right to me at about 20 yards and I plugged him.I don't know that I've ever been more excited than I was that morning.

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Been bowhunting since 12 yrs old in fall of 1987. We were brought up shooting bucks and had not shot a doe with the bow until we started QDM. Now we fill the freezers with the same number of does per year that years ago would have been bucks. We now know the importance of shooting does and when my 2 yr old son is old enough to take his first deer, I will encourage him to take a doe.

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my first deer i killed with a bow was accually the biggest buck ive killed my whole life. 17 inche inside spread 8 pointer. I shot the deer the second time that i have ever been bow hunting ! pretty cool experience !! killed a few does since then and saw some 150 class bucks since then but havnt got the shot opporunity !!

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I waited for years Joe, and passed on shots on several deer wanting my first bowkill to be a nice buck. Never worked out and ended up shooting my first deer with the bow about 4 years ago on an afternoon hunt, a nice mature doe that would have been fine table fare. Unfortunately I did not find that deer that evening despite looking for a good while, went back the next day. Dad blasted yotes had gotten to her before I found her and in less than 18 hours after the shot ruined any chances of recovering any of my deer.

Have had a vendetta of sorts against yotes ever since.

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Although I have been shooting a bow for about 10 years, I have just gotten big into bowhunting the last 4 years or so. Never really had anywhere to go during the early season and usually had to wait until the 2 or 3 days before our gun opener on our trip to the U.P. to bow hunt. So I have yet to stick one with my bow. Have seen some out of range, and have missed one small doe a few years ago. Last year we finally found some land a guy would let us hunt and I seen a buck, he was about a 6-8 pinter, couldn't really see brow tines but the might have been there...he was about 1-1/2 years old at 35-40 yards could have taken a shot, but I decided to let him walk. Although he'll only be 2-1/2 this year, he'll be a decent buck for my first bow kill. Unless a mature doe comes along (seen a few of them out there as well, but out of range) I'll stick her. But, I'd have to say out of everyone I have ever hunted with, I probably have seen the most deer while hunting(bow or gun)and have the least amount of kills, only have had a couple misses (one with every weapon i have, rifle, bow, muzzleloader)...I guess my standards are a bit higher than I realized.

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First bowkill was a doe. I can still remember how bad I got the shakes when I drew my bow on her too. I still get excited on any deer I draw on but it's more controlled now...usually. :D

I can only remember 2 bow seasons where my 1st deer kill for the season was a buck. The 1st one was a 3 1/2 year old 10 point. As sort of an experiment in 1993 MS decided the first 2 weeks of the season would be legal bucks only. MS never did that again. If not for that one time rule, the first mature doe in range (without spotted fawns) would have been toast. The other was a 4 1/2 year old 8 point that I had patterned a few weeks before the season opened. I killed him on opening day while he was still on his late summer feeding pattern.

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I shot my first one with a bow 3 years ago. One afternoon they came into the feeder and her fawns didn't have spots..and it was on. Ranged her at 23 and everything after that seems like it got thrown into fast forward. Drew back, put the pin on her and i was shaking so bad i was just happy to see green on brown..when it quit moving so bad it looked to be in a pretty decent spot and i let it fly. Connected with a complete pass thru, double lung..she went about 40 yards and was done, one night i won't soon forget.

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My first bow kill was a big doe. Man haven't thought about that in awhile. It was October 1, 1984. Had a whole bunch of deer coming down a trail, the first one thru the opening was an adult doe. I double lunged her at 15 yards and watched her go down after 60 yards. My dad could see me shoot, and when he got down and came over to my tree, he said why didn't you wait for the buck in the back of the group? I didn't care, didn't even know there was a buck.

The only bummer was back then Michigan only gave you 1 bow tag. So I waited all year to bowhunt, and it was all done in a couple hours. So I had to wait a whole year to get back out there.

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My first was a small doe. In fact, I've shot three deer with the bow, all does. I missed a nice buck a number of years back. Got a nice 10 pt on my camera recently. Hope to see this during daylight but I'll settle for a decent doe for the first this year. Here in Maryland we can get a buck and a doe during archery season.

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lets ee I was 12 shooting a PSE barly pulling 45l.b.s I drew back and shot a big cowhorn spike. I went lookng for it and couldnt find it so i climbed back up and turned around there was a doe coming in so I shot her to. It was a pretty exciting hunt. I found both of them. that was forever ago, and ive come along ways

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