Appreciation for Realtree


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I just want to say thank you Realtree, this forum, for being, in my opinion, the best out there. I was just on and I swear, in every other post members are arguing about what one guy said or did and what not. I mean how one person defines hunting ethics might not be how another defines hunting ethics...It's just rediculous. The world is a mess, and one thing we all have is hunting, and people are arguing about it. Some need to have an appreciation for being able to be out in the woods, regardless of which bow they think is better or who has the most "in" clothing, equipment, etc...

So Scott, Realtree, forum guys keep up the good work. This is the best place to find people who love hunting and are respectful;)Remember WHO we are truly here for...not ourselves.

I love this place and the people....

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Ruth as you know I am a member over there too and they have some guys that need some serious growing up. Some of them need a time out and the arrogance some have is unreal. Just try to avoid them, its a great place to learn about archery, just got some trouble makers that post before they think and their way is right and your way is not right. Shame they act like that but try to find the good stuff posted over there as there is plenty of it. You can learn a ton over there from its members!

The trouble usually comes from the newbie type posters too and guys who you would never share a deer camp with. You will always have people like that in the world that want to take a stick and whack the beehive to see what trouble they can create. Sad but true!

This place is truly awesome here and its the moderators that nip trouble in the bud before it becomes a big issue. The moderators on here are top notch!!

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RT is the best hands down. I think if people in this world would focus as much attention on themselves as much as they do ohters, we'd live in a much better world!

I'd like to give my appreciation to the RT Forum administrators as well......thanks alot guys (and gal....Andrea) for making this happen!!:D;)

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I wrote it in my first post and I'll repeat it - I'm here because of David Ashburn.

Virtually everyone I've "met" here on the realtree forums is as fine a person as he was. . . kind, considerate, real and able to speak his or her mind in a respectful and often humorous way. It's clear to me now why he'd spend those few moments in the OR before we needed the surgeons here, with each of you.

I'm thankful, too, for these forums and the people who make them what they are. :)

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check out a few other places...AT and Mathews for bow stuff and Real Deal for camera stuff, but Realtree is home for me ;)

It's even better having been able to meet a few of the folks here in person. :cool:

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Guest pabowhunter

I am a newbie on here so to speak but i must admit that it has been a very pleasurable experience and my wife says i am a realtree addict Well maybe she is right but what can i say i love hunting and people that hunt and every other aspect of our beloved sport and lifestyle!

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